Telescope tile codes for use in Spelunky 2 level mods
The only thing required to use the telescopes is to load in the script and use one of the two tile codes:
, for a telescope facing towards the right.telescope_left
, for a telescope facing towards the left.
Both tile codes act the same; the only difference is how the telescope looks.
There are five inputs that are valid for dismissing the telescope while the player is looking through it:
- Jump
- Whip
- Bomb
- Rope
- Door
By default, all five inputs are enabled. Any input can be disabled via the disable_dismissal_input
function. Eg:
local telescopes = require("Telescopes/telescopes")
To re-enable a disabled input, call allow_dismissal_input
local telescopes = require("Telescopes/telescopes")
By default directional controls will show in the HUD when the telescope is active, showing in the directions that the camera is available to move in. This behavior can be disabled via the set_show_hud_buttons
The hud buttons are by default positioned at the edges of the screen. In the case that there is other UI near the edges of the screen, the hud buttons can be inset.
telescopes.set_hud_button_insets(top_inset, left_inset, bottom_inset, right_inset)
Positive insets move the hud closer to the center, whereas negative insets move the hud farther from the center.
Insets use decimal values where the entire screen has a width and height of 2, so an inset of 1 in any dimension will move it close to the center.
When activating a telescope, a zoom level is chosen so that the camera fits either the width or the height of the level, whichever is smaller.
If the level is extra large, the zoom level will instead be set to the max zoom, which is about the zoom of a 4-wide level. This behavior can be configured by setting a different max zoom via set_max_zoom
Default: 30
- To disable this behavior, set the max zoom to a large value.
In the cosmic ocean, tiles on the other side of the loop don't render until they are a certain distance from the camera's center. For this reason a smaller zoom is used as the max zoom in the CO. The default max zoom was chosen to not show tiles rendering in in a 4-wide level, but other values may be preferred in different level sizes. This value is separately configurable via set_max_zoom_co
, and the value of max_zoom
is completely ignored in the cosmic ocean and won't affect this value.
Default: 22
Very small levels would require zooming in closer than the default zoom to fit the width of the level. To prevent zooming in, a minimum allowed zoom is used. This is also configurable, via set_min_zoom
Default: 13.5
When the telescope is dismissed, the zoom level is set back to the default_zoom. By default, this is the same as the normal zoom level when playing the game. If this zoom is being changed, the default_zoom can be configured to match the desired zooming behavior via set_default_zoom
Default: 13.5