Please read the user guide to learn more about Mono2Micro and the various tasks of application data collecting, running the analysis, viewing the analysis results, and generating starter micrservices java code.
To get you started, here are some examples of monolith applications, data and analysis files, and microservices code
Monolith source code: ./defaultapplication/monolith
Monolith application data: ./defaultapplication/application-data/
Mono2Micro analysis (initial recommendations): ./defaultapplication/mono2micro-analysis
Mono2Micro analysis (further customized by hand): ./defaultapplication/mono2micro-analysis-custom
Refer to the Mono2Micro user guide for detailed guidance on how to further develop the initial partitions recommended by the AI analysis to customize the final partitioning of the application (see above), refactor the application's server config files, build config files, and JEE deployment descriptor files, and containerize the partitions to run as these microservices in Docker.
In just a few simple steps below, you can build and deploy the microservices to local docker containers on your workstation, and see them running for yourself.
- Docker 17.06 CE or higher, which supports multi-stage builds
Clone this github repository to your local workstation:
git clone
Change directory to the refactored microservices source code:
cd ./m2m-ws-sample/defaultapplication/microservices/
First, create a Docker network for the microservices to communicate:
docker network create defaultappNetwork
docker network list
Build and start the defaultapplication-web container. This container is the web front end. It contains the html, jsp, and servlets servlets.
cd ./defaultapp-web
docker build -t defaultapp-web . | tee web.out
docker run --name=defaultapp-web --hostname=defaultapp-web --network=defaultappNetwork -d -p 9080:9080 defaultapp-web:latest
Build and start the defaultapplication-partition0 container. This container is the Increment Service backend for hitcount. It contains the EJB and Derby DB.
cd ./defaultapp-partition0
docker build -t defaultapp-partition0 . | tee part0.out
docker run --name=defaultapp-partition0 --hostname=defaultapp-partition0 --network=defaultappNetwork -d -p 9081:9080 defaultapp-partition0:latest
Test the Microservices
Once all the containers have started successfully, the DefaultApplication can be opened at http://localhost:9080/
- run snoop service from the web browser
(The username and password is: user1 / change1me)
- run the hitcount service, choosing each of the following options from the application in the web browser.
These all run in the defaultapp-web container.
a. Servlet instance variable
b. Session state (create if necessary)
c. Existing session state only
This calls the IncrementAction Service in the defaultapp-container0 container. It is an EJB and uses JPA to persist to the Derby database.
d. Enterprise Java Bean (JPA)
View the logs in the running containers
Quickly view the logs from the microservices.
Note: The logging level in the micorservices has been set to INFO in order to log the details of cross partition service calla, and the response data. To chnage the logging level, refere to the Logging section below.
docker logs defaultapp-web
INFO: [IncrementAction] Calling service http://defaultapp-partition0:9080/rest/IncrementActionService/getTheValue with form: {}
[err] Nov 20, 2020 8:20:27 PM
docker logs defaultapp-partition0
INFO: [IncrementAction] Calling service http://defaultapp-partition0:9080/rest/IncrementActionService/getTheValue with form: {}
[err] Nov 20, 2020 8:20:27 PM
To modify the level of logging and tracing in the Mono2Mirco generated code and see more or less information about what's happening in the code flow within and between microservices, change the DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL
variable in the each partition's
Java source file located in the cardinal-utils
module. Then rebuild and run the updated services.