Thredded is a Rails 4.2+ forum/messageboard engine. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as possible.
Some of the features currently in Thredded:
- Markdown post formatting with some BBCode support (by default).
- (Un)read posts tracking.
- Email notifications, topic subscriptions, @-mentions, per-messageboard notification settings.
- Private group messaging.
- Full-text search using the database.
- Pinned and locked topics.
- List of currently online users, for all forums and per-messageboard.
- Flexible permissions system.
- Basic moderation.
- Lightweight default theme configurable via Sass.
If you are so inclined, donating to the project will help aid in its development
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Thredded works with SQLite, MySQL (v5.6.4+), and PostgreSQL. Thredded has no infrastructure dependencies other than the database and, if configured in the parent application, the ActiveJob backend dependency such as Redis. Currently only MRI Ruby 2.2+ is supported. We would love to support JRuby and Rubinius as well.
If you're looking for variations on a theme - see Discourse. However, It is a full rails application and not an engine like Thredded.
Add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'thredded', '~> 0.6.3'
Add the Thredded initializer to your parent app by running the install generator.
rails generate thredded:install
Copy emoji images to your public/emoji
rake thredded:install:emoji
Thredded needs to know the base application User model name and certain columns on it. Configure these in the initializer installed with the command above.
Then, copy the migrations over to your parent application and migrate:
rake thredded:install:migrations db:migrate db:test:prepare
Mount the thredded engine in your routes file:
mount Thredded::Engine => '/forum'
You also may want to add an index to the user name column in your users table. Thredded uses it to find @-mentions and perform name prefix autocompletion on the private topic form. Add the index in a migration like so:
connection, Thredded.user_class.table_name, Thredded.user_name_column, unique: true)
- To upgrade the initializer:
rails g thredded:install
But then compare this with the previous version to decide what to keep.
- To upgrade the database (in this example from v0.4 to the v0.5):
cp `bundle show thredded`/db/upgrade_migrations/20160501151908_upgrade_v0_4_to_v0_5.rb db/migrate
rake db:migrate
Note that for guaranteed best results you will want to run this with the gem checked out with v0.5.0.
Are you currently using Forem? Thredded provides a migration to copy all of your existing data from Forem over to Thredded.
By default, thredded renders in its own layout.
When using the standalone thredded layout, the log in / sign out links will be rendered in the navigation.
For these links (and only for these links), Thredded makes the assumption that you are using devise as your auth
library. If you are using something different you need to override the partial at
and use the appropriate log in / sign out path URL helpers.
You can override the partial by copying it into the app:
mkdir -p app/views/thredded/shared/nav && cp "$(bundle show thredded)/$_/_standalone.html.erb" "$_"
You can also use Thredded with the application layout by by setting Thredded.layout
in the initializer.
In this case, you will also need to include Thredded styles and JavaScript into the application styles and JavaScript.
Add thredded styles to your application.scss
(see below for customizing the styles):
@import "thredded";
Include thredded JavaScripts in your application.js
//= require thredded
Thredded views also provide two content_tag
s available to yield - :thredded_page_title
and :thredded_page_id
The views within Thredded pass those up through to your layout if you would like to use them.
Thredded does not provide a user's profile page, but it provides a helper for rendering the user's recent posts in your app's user profile page.
To use it:
- Include
in the app's helpers module. - Render the partial like this:
<%= render 'thredded/users/posts',
posts: Thredded.posts_page_view(
scope: user.thredded_posts.order_newest_first.limit(5),
current_user: current_user) %>
You can also override any views and assets by placing them in the same path in your application as they are in the gem. This uses the standard Rails mechanism for overriding engine views. For example, to copy the post view for customization:
# Copy the post view into the application to customize it:
mkdir -p app/views/thredded/posts && cp "$(bundle show thredded)/$_/_post.html.erb" "$_"
NB: Overriding the views like this means that on every update of the thredded gem you have to check that your customizations are still compatible with the new version of thredded. This is difficult and error-prone. Whenever possible, use the styles and i18n to customize Thredded to your needs.
There are 2 empty view partials included in the gem that exist for the purpose of being overridden in the parent app if desired. They are:
And are rendered directly before, and directly after the textarea where users type their post contents. These exist in the case where a messageboard would like to add things like, wysiwyg/wymean editors, buttons, help links, help copy, further customization for the textarea, etc.
The engine comes by default with a light and effective implementation of the views, styles, and javascript. Once you mount the engine you will be presented with a "themed" version of thredded.
Thredded comes with a light Sass theme controlled by a handful of variables that can be found here:
To override the styles, override the variables before importing Thredded styles, e.g.:
// application.scss
$thredded-brand: #9c27b0;
@import "thredded";
The @import "thredded"
directive above will import thredded styles and the dependencies
(currently just "select2" from select2-rails). If you already include your own styles for any of thredded
dependencies, you can import just the thredded styles alone like this:
// application.scss
@import "thredded/thredded";
If you are writing a Thredded plugin, import the thredded/base
Sass package instead.
The base
package only defines variables, mixins, and %-placeholders, so it can be imported safely without producing
any duplicate CSS.
Thredded sends several notification emails to the users. You can override in the same way as the views.
If you use Rails Email Preview, you can include Thredded emails into the list of previews by adding
to the Rails Email Preview preview_classes
config option.
Thredded is mostly internationalized. It is currently available in English and Brazilian Portuguese. We welcome PRs adding support for new languages.
If you use thredded in languages other than English, you probably want to add rails-i18n
to your Gemfile.
Additionally, you will need to require the translations for rails-timeago in you JavaScript,
e.g. for Brazilian Portuguese:
//= require locales/
Thredded comes with a flexible permissions system that can be configured per messageboard/user.
It calls a handful of methods on the application User
model to determine permissions for logged in users, and calls
the same methods on Thredded:NullUser
to determine permissions for non-logged in users.
The methods used by Thredded for determining the permissions are described below.
- To customize permissions for logged in users, override any of the methods below on your
model. - To customize permissions for non-logged in users, override these methods on
- A list of messageboards that a given user can read:
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] messageboards that the user can read
- A list of users that can read a given list of messageboards:
# @param messageboards [Array<Thredded::Messageboard>]
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] users that can read the given messageboards
- A list of messageboards that a given user can post in.
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation<Thredded::Messageboard>] messageboards that the user can post in
- A list of users that can post to a given list of messageboards.
# @param messageboards [Array<Thredded::Messageboard>]
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation<User>] users that can post to the given messageboards
A list of users a given user can message:
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] the users this user can include in a private topic
- A list of messageboards that a given user can moderate:
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation<Thredded::Messageboard>] messageboards that the user can moderate
- A list of users that can moderate a given list of messageboards:
# @param messageboards [Array<Thredded::Messageboard>]
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation<User>] users that can moderate the given messageboards
Includes all of the above for all messageboards:
# @return [boolean] Whether this user has full admin rights on Thredded
Below is an overview of the default permissions, with links to the implementations:
Read | Post | Message | Moderate | Administrate | |
Logged in | ✅ All | ✅ All |
Readers of the messageboards the user can post in |
Not logged in | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
Thredded defines a number of Exception classes for not found / permission denied errors. The complete list can be found here.
Currently, the default behaviour is to render an error message with an appropriate response code within the Thredded
layout. You may want to override the handling for Thredded::Errors::LoginRequired
to render a login form instead.
For an example of how to do this, see the initializer.
Thredded comes with two options for the moderation system:
- Reactive moderation, where posts from first-time users are published immediately but enter the moderation queue (default).
- Pre-emptive moderation, where posts from first-time users are not published until they have been approved.
This is controlled by the Thredded.content_visible_while_pending_moderation
Users, topics, and posts can be in one of three moderation states: pending_moderation
, approved
, and blocked
By default, new users are pending_moderation
, and new posts and topics inherit their default moderation_state from
the user's.
When you approve a new user's post, all of their later posts will be approved automatically.
Additionally, users always see their own posts regardless of the moderation state. For blocked users, this means they might not realize they have been blocked right away.
Blocked users cannot send private messages.
To disable moderation, e.g. if you run internal forums that do not need moderation, run the following migration:
change_column_default :thredded_user_details, :moderation_state, 1 # approved
To be more clear - this is the for when you are working on this gem. Not for when you are implementing it into your Rails app.
First, to get started, migrate and seed the database (SQLite by default):
# Create, migrate, and seed the development database with fake forum users, topics, and posts:
rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
Then, start the dummy app server:
rake dev:server
To run the tests, just run rspec
. The test suite will re-create the test database on every run, so there is no need to
run tasks that maintain the test database.
Run rubocop
to ensure a consistent code style across the codebase.
By default, SQLite is used in development and test. On Travis, the tests will run using SQLite, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and all the supported Rails versions.
You can also test the gem with all the supported databases and Rails versions locally.
First install PostgreSQL and MySQL, and run:
Then, to test with all the databases and the default Rails version (as defined in Gemfile
), run:
rake test_all_dbs
To test with a specific database and all the Rails versions, run:
# Test with SQLite3:
rake test_all_gemfiles
# Test with MySQL:
DB=mysql2 rake test_all_gemfiles
# Test with PostgreSQL:
DB=postgresql rake test_all_gemfiles
To test all combinations of supported databases and Rails versions, run:
rake test_all
Developing and Testing with Docker Compose
To quickly try out Thredded with the included dummy app, clone the source and start the included docker-compose.yml file with:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
The above will build and run everything, daemonized, resulting in a running
instance on port 9292. Running docker-compose logs
will let you know when
everything is up and running. Editing the source on your host machine will
be reflected in the running docker'ized application.
Note that when using boot2docker
on a Mac make sure you visit the boot2docker host ip at
http://$(boot2docker ip):9292
After booting up the containers you can run the test suite with the following:
docker-compose run web bundle exec rake
The docker container uses PostgreSQL.