A perfect Python repository for estimating the rotation period and its uncertainty from light curve files
This repository uses the Lomb-Scargle periodogram to estimate the rotation period of the signal and statistical techniques for estimating the uncertainty of the period.
This repo contains two executable modules:
- (Periodizer.py) Estimation of the period and uncertainty using the bootstrap method to resample the light curve within the flux error bars.
- (Periodizer_parallelized.py) Same as the periodize.py but using multithreads, notoriously improves the computing time.
- Include statistical parameters to analyze the periodicity of the light curve (like Cody).
- Support a general ASCII file with three columns.
- Modify the error estimation based on the logarithmic step average.
- A CSV file with three columns called: "time", "magnitude or flux", "magnitude_err, or flux_err".
The periodizer was made to be used with the light curves files from the TESSExtractor application. However, that is not a prerequisite, it really could be used with any data file in the format previously described. A straightforward way to search the light curve of the target of interest is by using the app TESSExtractor and downloading the input file to feed Periodizer.
The period and its uncertainty
Locate the repository folder and execute in the terminal the module you desire:
$ python periodizer.py "input_file.csv"
$ python periodizer_parallelized.py "input_file.csv"
Feel free to use this app in any scientific project!
Any questions or comments just email me: jserna@astro.unam.mx
- Serna et al (2021) ApJ 923 177
Copyright© 2023. Javier Serna, Jesús Hernandez and ARYSO group.