A command-line tool for build frontend apps in Ruby.
It uses Sprockets and Tilt to creates an environment for assets compiling similar to Rails Assets Pipeline. It support all engines supported by Sprockets and Tilt like Javascript, Sass, CoffeeScript, Haml, Slim, etc.
This project is still experimental, use with caution!
$ gem install fronton
- Support for RailsAssets.
- Support for LiveReload in
fronton server
command using--livereload
- fronton new: generate a new blank app with a default skeleton.
- fronton server: start a development server for html & assets.
- fronton compile: compile html & assets files for distribution.
- fronton clean: remove old compiled html & assets files.
- fronton clobber: remove all compiled html & assets files.
- fronton info: show information about the environment.
- fronton help: show commands help.
Configuration options are readed from a fronton.yml
file located in project
top folder. application.js
, application.css
and all non js&css files in
assets_paths are already added.
- otherfile.js
- assets/javascripts
- assets/stylesheets
- assets/fonts
- assets/images
- vendor/javascripts
- vendor/stylesheets
- vendor/fonts
- vendor/images
base_url: https://assets.example.com
css: scss
js: uglifier
- rails-assets-jquery: 3.1.0
- slim: 3.0.7
fallback_page: index.slim
output: public
- index.slim: /
- pages
Attribute | Type | Description |
assets | Array | List of assets to compile (non js&css already included) |
assets_paths | Array | List of directories where Sprockets find files for require |
base_url | String | Base URL for assets in production |
compressors | Hash | Hash with selected compressors by type |
dependencies | Array | List of gems to install and require |
fallback_page | String | Fallback page (i.e HTML5 mode in frontend routers) |
output | String | Path to a directory where compiled assets will be written |
pages | Array | List of pages to compile |
pages_paths | Array | List of directories where Fronton find html files |
In order to allow Fronton to install project gem dependencies automatically,
if you use gems from others sources than https://rubygems.org
, you must add these sources to rubygems configuration
$ gem sources --add https://rails-assets.org
├── assets
│ ├── fonts
│ ├── images
│ ├── javascripts
│ └── stylesheets
├── fronton.yml
├── locales
│ └── es
│ └── index.yml
├── pages
├── public
└── vendor
├── fonts
├── images
├── javascripts
└── stylesheets
Tests are written using Minitest.
$ bundle exec rake
Contributions are welcome, please follow GitHub Flow
fronton uses Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
Copyright © 2016 Javier Aranda. Released under MIT license.