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928255095 edited this page Feb 9, 2019
2 revisions
版本 | 变更内容 | 变更时间 | 变更人员 |
v0.01 | 初稿 | 2018-07-24 | wuxw |
v0.01 | 修改交互协议 | 2019-02-08 | wuxw |
- 协议结构
父元素名称 | 参数名称 | 约束 | 类型 | 长度 | 描述 | 取值说明 |
- | orders | 1 | Object | - | 订单节点 | - |
- | business | 1 | Array | - | 业务节点 | - |
- 订单节点结构
2.1 请求header信息
参数名称 | 约束 | 类型 | 长度 | 描述 | 取值说明 |
app_id | 1 | String | 10 | 系统ID | 由中心服务提供 |
transaction_id | 1 | String | 30 | 交互流水 | appId+'00'+YYYYMMDD+10位序列 |
user_id | 1 | String | 30 | 用户ID | 已有用户ID |
req_time | 1 | String | 14 | 请求时间 | YYYYMMDDhhmmss |
2.2 请求body信息
父元素名称 | 参数名称 | 约束 | 类型 | 长度 | 描述 | 取值说明 |
- | orders | 1 | Object | - | 订单节点 | - |
orders | orderTypeCd | 1 | String | 4 | 订单类型 | 查看订单类型说明 |
orders | remark | 1 | String | 200 | 备注 | 备注 |
orders | attrs | ? | Array | - | 订单属性 | - |
attrs | specCd | 1 | String | 12 | 规格编码 | 由中心服务提供 |
attrs | value | 1 | String | 50 | 属性值 |
2.3 返回header信息
http返回状态为200 表示成功 其他为失败
参数名称 | 约束 | 类型 | 长度 | 描述 | 取值说明 |
transaction_id | 1 | String | 30 | 交互流水 | appId+'00'+YYYYMMDD+10位序列 |
res_time | 1 | String | 14 | 返回时间 | YYYYMMDDhhmmss |
2.4 返回body 信息
- 业务节点结构
父元素名称 | 参数名称 | 约束 | 类型 | 长度 | 描述 | 取值说明 |
- | business | ? | Array | - | 业务节点 | - |
business | businessTypeCd | 1 | String | 12 | 业务编码 | 由中心服务提供 |
business | invokeModel | 1 | String | 1 | 处理方式 | 同步处理还是异步处理A异步 S同步 |
business | seq | 1 | Int | 1 | 处理顺序 | 从小到大去处理业务信息 |
business | remark | 1 | String | 200 | 备注 | |
business | datas | 1 | Object | - | 数据节点 | 不同的服务下的节点不一样 |
business | attrs | ? | Array | - | 业务属性 | - |
attrs | specCd | 1 | String | 12 | 规格编码 | 由中心服务提供 |
attrs | value | 1 | String | 50 | 属性值 |
- 报文样例
http header:
"appId": "外系统ID,分配得到"
"transactionId": "100000000020180409224736000001"
"requestTime": "20180409224736"
"userId": "用户ID"
http body:
"orders": {
"orderTypeCd": "订单类型,查询,受理",
"attrs": [{
"specCd": "配置的字段ID",
"value": "具体值"
"business": [{
"businessTypeCd": "B",
"remark": "备注",
"datas": {
"attrs": [{
"specCd": "配置的字段ID",
"value": "具体值"
http header:
"transactionId": "100000000020180409224736000001"
"responseTime": "20180409224736"
http body:
与下游系统交互主要分为三个过程,分别为 Business过程,Instance过程,作废过程
- Business过程指先将数据存放至中间表中(叫做business表),表明动作 是新增(ADD)还是删除(DEL)。
"orders": {
"transactionId": "100000000020180409224736000001",
"requestTime": "20180409224736",
"orderTypeCd": "订单类型,查询,受理",
"dataFlowId": "20020180000001",
"businessType": "B"
"business": {
"bId": "12345678",
"businessTypeCd": "100100030001",
"remark": "备注",
"datas": {
"transactionId": "100000000020180409224736000001",
"responseTime": "20180409224736",
"businessType": "B",
"bId": "12345678",
"orderTypeCd": "",
"dataFlowId": "",
"businessTypeCd": "100100030001",
"response": {
"code": "1999",
"message": "具体值"
- Instance过程指将中间表中的数据根据动作分析增加删除或修改业务表中的数据。
"orders": {
"transactionId": "100000000020180409224736000001",
"requestTime": "20180409224736",
"orderTypeCd": "订单类型,查询,受理",
"dataFlowId": "20020180000001",
"businessType": "I"
"business": {
"bId": "12345678",
"businessTypeCd": "100100030001"
"transactionId": "100000000020180409224736000001",
"responseTime": "20180409224736",
"businessType": "I",
"bId": "12345678",
"orderTypeCd": "",
"dataFlowId": "",
"businessTypeCd": "100100030001",
"response": {
"code": "1999",
"message": "具体值"
- 作废过程指 当某个下游系统失败的情况下,判断是Business过程失败还是Instance过程失败 如果是Business过程失败,则放弃发送Instance过程直接返回,如果Instance过程失败,则发起作废业务数据过程。
"orders": {
"transactionId": "100000000020180409224736000001",
"requestTime": "20180409224736",
"orderTypeCd": "订单类型,查询,受理",
"dataFlowId": "20020180000001",
"businessType": "DO"
"business": {
"bId": "12345678",
"businessTypeCd": "100100030001"
"transactionId": "100000000020180409224736000001",
"responseTime": "20180409224736",
"businessType": "DO",
"bId": "12345678",
"orderTypeCd": "",
"dataFlowId": "",
"businessTypeCd": "100100030001",
"response": {
"code": "1999",
"message": "具体值"
订单类型 | 说明 |
Q | 查询类 |
- 请求sign说明
外系统请求centerService 服务时,sign 的生成:
inStr = transactionId + appId+business(内容)+security_code(系统分配);
- CenterService服务返回时 sign生成:
inStr = transactionId + responseTime+business(内容)+security_code(系统分配);
注意:当传入AppId 不正确,或者请求报文解密失败的情况下,返回sign 不做加密处理,其值为空
- 请求报文加密:
如果http post 请求时header 中有 ENCRYPT 并且值为ON,时启用密文传输方式,即请求报文和返回报文都为密文,如果没有 ENCRYPT 或 值不为ON 则明文传输。 加密代码参考:
* 加密
* @param data
* @param publicKey
* @param keySize
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static byte[] encrypt(byte[] data, PublicKey publicKey, int keySize)
throws Exception
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1PADDING", "BC");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey);
int blockSize = (keySize >> 3) - 11;
int inputLen = data.length;
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int offSet = 0;
int i = 0;
while (inputLen - offSet > 0) {
byte[] buf;
if (inputLen - offSet > blockSize) {
buf = cipher.doFinal(data, offSet, blockSize);
}else {
buf = cipher.doFinal(data, offSet, inputLen - offSet);
out.write(buf, 0, buf.length);
offSet = i * blockSize;
byte[] result = out.toByteArray();
return result;
* 加载公钥
* @param keyData
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static PublicKey loadPubKey(String keyData)
throws Exception
return loadPemPublicKey(keyData, "RSA");
* 加载公钥
* @param privateKeyPem
* @param algorithm
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static PrivateKey loadPrivateKeyPkcs8(String privateKeyPem, String algorithm)
throws Exception
String privateKeyData = privateKeyPem.replace("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----", "");
privateKeyData = privateKeyData.replace("-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", "");
privateKeyData = privateKeyData.replace("\n", "");
privateKeyData = privateKeyData.replace("\r", "");
byte[] decoded = Base64.getDecoder().decode(privateKeyData.getBytes());
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec pkcs8KeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(decoded);
KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm);
return keyFactory.generatePrivate(pkcs8KeySpec);
reqJson = new String(encrypt(resJson.getBytes("UTF-8"), loadPubKey(“公钥”)
, 2048)),"UTF-8");
其中 keySize 如果设置要重新设置则 http post header 中传ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE来设置 不传则去默认值,默认值配置在映射表中,key为 KEY_DEFAULT_DECRYPT_KEY_SIZE
- 返回报文解密
如果http post 请求时header 中有 ENCRYPT 并且值为ON,时启用密文传输方式。 解密代码参考
* 解密
* @param data
* @param privateKey
* @param keySize
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static byte[] decrypt(byte[] data, PrivateKey privateKey, int keySize)
throws Exception
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1PADDING", "BC");
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privateKey);
int blockSize = keySize >> 3;
ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] buf = new byte[blockSize];
int len = 0;
while ((len = byteArrayInputStream.read(buf)) > 0) {
byteArrayOutputStream.write(cipher.doFinal(buf, 0, len));
return byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
* 加载私钥
* @param keyData
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static PrivateKey loadPrivateKey(String keyData) throws Exception {
return loadPrivateKeyPkcs8(keyData, "RSA");
* 加载私钥
* @param privateKeyPem
* @param algorithm
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static PrivateKey loadPrivateKeyPkcs8(String privateKeyPem, String algorithm)
throws Exception
String privateKeyData = privateKeyPem.replace("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----", "");
privateKeyData = privateKeyData.replace("-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", "");
privateKeyData = privateKeyData.replace("\n", "");
privateKeyData = privateKeyData.replace("\r", "");
byte[] decoded = Base64.getDecoder().decode(privateKeyData.getBytes());
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec pkcs8KeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(decoded);
KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm);
return keyFactory.generatePrivate(pkcs8KeySpec);
resJson = new String(decrypt(reqJson.getBytes("UTF-8"), “私钥”
, 2048)),"UTF-8");
状态编码 | 说明 |
0000 | 成功 |
1999 | 未知失败 |
1998 | 系统内部错误 |
1997 | 调用下游系统超时 |
格式符号 | 说明 |
? | 0..1 |
星 | 0..n |
+ | 1..n |
1 | 1 |