App-Ideas Can be for a iOS app, Android App, web app, ect. App Ideas: Habit tracker Timer Dynamic island app Car buying app Car comaprison app Tesla UI Clone old iOS version comaprison History of a company history of apple History of a car comapny Xcode fun facts ____ and solution Twitch client (is it possible) Keyboard shortcuts for an app stocks app clipboard app water log landmarks us landamarks microphone controller MapKit app Uber like app Uber UI Clone Twitter UI Clone game reddit client twitter clinet sweater shop app adidas app reseller app weather app weather lock screen app notes app todo list app file app handwritten note app quote apps video content app ev charging map best evs nft sellling app crytpo trading app video calling app stopwatch expense tracker Uber Clone netflix clone GitHub client freind status app football score app tech news app news app local news wallpaper app apple store app apple store guide quiz app trivia app wind MPH/KMH app Watch apps: Fitniss app water log phone media controler Games: triva game quiz game runner game (like temple run) obby game simulator game Other ideas: go off of a API that you like pick a API and go off of it pick a tutorial and go with it buy a tutorial on Udemy, Skillshare, ect make a app that would benifit you, your freinds, your family, your town