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File metadata and controls

150 lines (111 loc) · 3.92 KB

Red Hat CoreOS (RHCOS)

Red Hat CoreOS is the operating system for the nodes that make up the OpenShift cluster.


Due to current imitations in non-commercial regions of AWS, the RHCOS image is not available and will need to be imported.

Importing RHCOS AMI

Step 1

Ensure that your AWS account has an S3 bucket created and the required IAM service role defined.

Step 2

Export your AWS credentials and the region to use.

If you already have a profile setup using the awscli, you can export AWS_PROFILE.

export AWS_PROFILE=govcloud
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-gov-east-1


export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=access_key
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret=key
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-gov-east-1

Step 3

Download the AWS VMDK disk image, unarchive it, and upload it to S3.

Download the highest version that is less than or equal to the OpenShift version you are installing. For example, if you are installing OpenShift 4.5.4 and the latest RHCOS available is 4.5.2, then use RHCOS 4.5.2.

The RHCOS images can be found:

Export the version of RHCOS you want to use.

export RHCOS_VERSION=4.5.2
export VMIMPORT_BUCKET_NAME=name-of-your-bucket

You want to find the RHCOS image with aws in the name.

wget`echo ${RHCOS_VERSION} | awk '{split($0,a,"."); print a[1]"."a[2]}'`/${RHCOS_VERSION}/rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64.vmdk.gz

gunzip rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64.vmdk.gz

aws s3 cp rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64.vmdk s3://${VMIMPORT_BUCKET_NAME}

Step 4

Create the disk containers file containers.json.

Be sure to replace the values for S3Bucket to match your bucket name and S3Key to match the name of the file you ended up with after unarchiving the RHCOS image.

cat <<EOF > containers.json
   "Description": "rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64",
   "Format": "vmdk",
   "UserBucket": {
      "S3Bucket": "${VMIMPORT_BUCKET_NAME}",
      "S3Key": "rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64.vmdk"

Step 5

Import the disk as a snapshot into AWS.

aws ec2 import-snapshot \
   --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} \
   --description "rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64" \
   --disk-container file://containers.json

Step 6

Check the status of the image import:

watch -n 5 aws ec2 describe-import-snapshot-tasks --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}

After the import is complete, you should see similar output to below.

    "ImportSnapshotTasks": [
            "Description": "rhcos-4.5.2-x86_64-aws.x86_64",
            "ImportTaskId": "import-snap-fh6i8uil",
            "SnapshotTaskDetail": {
                "Description": "rhcos-4.5.2-x86_64-aws.x86_64",
                "DiskImageSize": 819056640.0,
                "Format": "VMDK",
                "SnapshotId": "snap-06331325870076318",
                "Status": "completed",
                "UserBucket": {
                    "S3Bucket": "name-of-your-bucket",
                    "S3Key": "rhcos-4.5.2-x86_64-aws.x86_64.vmdk"

Step 7

Register an image using the snapshot.

Be sure to replace the SnapshotId using the value from the output you got when checking the snapshot task.

aws ec2 register-image \
   --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} \
   --architecture x86_64 \
   --description "rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64" \
   --ena-support \
   --name "rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64" \
   --virtualization-type hvm \
   --root-device-name '/dev/xvda' \
   --block-device-mappings 'DeviceName=/dev/xvda,Ebs={DeleteOnTermination=true,SnapshotId=REPLACE_ME}'