- Creates:
- Title
- Button to begging chat
- Click in the button
- popup/modal
- Title: "Bem vindo ao Hashzap"
- field: "write yor name in the chat"field
- button: enter in the chat
- popup/modal
- Click in the button
- chat
- bellow of the chat
- field: "Write your message"
- button: to send
Use the ´flet´ - framework of the Python to create app and site. *command: ´pip install flet´
Important: ft.WEB_BROWSER - para formato web page.update() - to adds the changes of the page.
Creates method - main: to adds the page - open_popup: to adds the event of click
For default the method main receive the page and the method to click receives a event
Creates a tunnel of communication between chats with pubsub.
Jaqueline de Almeida Software developer Linkedin: [www.linkedin.com/in/jaqueline-de-almeida]