Simple library for HTTP/HTTPS requests with GET or POST method based on libcurl.
To use this library you need the curl library. You can build it yourself or download a package. You will need to modify the CURL_DIR variable in the CMakeLists.txt. Its value must be the path to the downloaded or build curl package.
Construct a httpsRequest object. Its parameters a the URL, the header, data and SSL type.
The URL will not get processed in any way by the library. Only the GET data will be appended.
The custom header is given by a vector of strings ("key: value").
Data is either a string which will perform a POST request with the given string as data. When a vector of 2-element string array is given a GET request is performed. Each element of the vector will be appended to the URL.
Type of SSL. Available types are NONE, VERIFY_PEER, VERIFY_HOST and VERIFY_PEER_HOST. SSL is not tested!
There are two examples available. One with a simple request. And another one which requests JSON content with JSON content.