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File metadata and controls

56 lines (49 loc) · 2.58 KB

Data download and read preparation

Downloading short-read data

Short-read data for Mérot et al. 2022 is accessible on the NCBI SRA database under project number PRJNA820751. For consistency and reproducibility, code used here is modified directly from the author's github repo.

While genome assemblies for both the 'normal' and 'dwarf' phenotype are available, the genome assembly for the normal phenotype was used for short-read based alignment. Here, the to_download file is the SR names from NCBI project PRJNA820751.


while read -r line
    echo "Downloading ${line}..."
    fasterq-dump --verbose --split-files --progress -e 16 -O ${work}raw_reads/ ${line}
done < to_download

Sample IDs were then renamed for simplicity and to be consistent with Merot et al. Fastqc was then run on raw reads for an initial quality check.
The rename_list file was constructed using metadata in the NCBI project PRJNA820751.

while read -r line
    sr=$(echo $line | awk '{print $1}')
    id=$(echo $line | awk '{print $2}')
    echo "Renaming ${sr} to ${id}..."
    rename "s/${sr}/${id}/g" ${work}raw_reads/${sr}
    echo "Running FastQC for ${id}..."
    fastqc --threads 16 -o ${work}raw_fastqc ${work}raw_reads/${id}*
done < rename_list

multiqc --title "Raw read QC" ${dir}raw_fastqc/

Read trimming

The for loop below was modified from Because it is unclear whether there were any additional options used, we will run under default settings (as it was indicated in this script) and added a hard trim for 20bp and 5bp at the start and end of reads to remove noise.

mkdir -p ${work}{trim_reads,trim_reports}

for file in ${work}raw_reads/*_1.fastq
    base=$(basename $file _1.fastq)
    echo "Treating: ${base}..."
    fastp -w 6 \
        -i ${work}raw_reads/${base}_1.fastq \
        -I ${work}raw_reads/${base}_2.fastq \
        -f 20 /
        -t 5 /
        -o ${work}trim_reads/${base}_trimmed_1.fastq.gz \
        -O ${work}trim_reads/${base}_trimmed_2.fastq.gz \
        -j ${work}trim_reports/${base}.json \
        -h ${work}trim_reports/${base}.html

Once read trimming was complete, outputs were collated and examined using MultiQC.

multiqc --title "Trimmed read QC" ${work}trim_reports/