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A generalised simulation toolbox for atom-laser-cavity interactions with single Rb^87 atoms for QIP & Data accompanying a paper describing ideal photon production schemes


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This respository has two parts: A generalised simulation toolbox for atom-laser-cavity interactions with single Rb^87 atoms for Quantum Infrmation Processing and data accompanying the paper describing an ideal photon burst productions scheme. All the results presented in Ernst et. al. "Bursts of Polarised Photons from Atom-Cavity Sources" can be produced with the generalised simulation toolbox. The code has been organised into several classes and files for various parts of the simulation, view the General_Rb_Simulator.ipynb for an example of how to simulate a particular sequence (namely the ideal one documented in the paper), but feel free to construct your own notebooks for your own purposes.

The code presented here was inspired by the original rb_cqed package for modelling cavity-QED, the Mathematica scripts used for calculating the Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients and energy level splittings are taken from there and some functions are adapted or taken straight from that repository too - if you will - view is as rbcqedv2.

To run virtual experiments with Rb requires the following:

📦 Package Requirements
  • qutip==4.7.0
  • python==3.6+
  • numpy==1.16+
  • scipy==1.0+
  • matplotlib==1.2.1++
  • cython==0.29.20, <30.0.0
  • C++ compiler (for mac install the xcode command line tools: xcode-select --install)
  • ipython==8+

Included is an environment.yml file (for conda) as well as a docker image.

Installation Guide

Install local poetry environment (recommended)

Follow these steps to create a poetry environment for this project (deps specified for Python 3.8): Poetry can be installed as documented here.

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
    cd rb_photon_prod
  2. Setup poetry environment (make sure poetry is installed):
    poetry install
  3. Activate poetry shell:
    poetry shell

Install local conda environment

Follow these steps to create a conda environment for this project:

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
    cd rb_photon_prod
  2. Setup conda environment:
    conda env create -f environment.yml
  3. Activate conda environmen:
    conda activate rb_photon_prod

Note that this was tested on a Mac with M1 Apple Silicon chip and I have seen some dependency issues when using the older Macs or other operating systems. You can alternatively follow the qutip installation guide and also install matplotlib, cython (important caveat: cython version compatibility ) and notebook (jupyter notebook) with a package manager of your choice.

Run docker container (recommended to avoid dependency issues)

Ther is also a docker image, to install this image locally run:

docker pull

In case of suggestions, suspected errors or enquiries please get in touch with me at, or submit a pull request.


Jan Ole Ernst et al 2023 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 56 205003


A generalised simulation toolbox for atom-laser-cavity interactions with single Rb^87 atoms for QIP & Data accompanying a paper describing ideal photon production schemes





