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James Park edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 54 revisions


Column Name Data Type Details Description
id integer not null, primary key User's unique id
first_name string not null User's first name
last_name string not null User's last name
funds float not null, default 0.0 User's trading funds
email string not null, indexed, unique User's email
password_digest string not null User's encrypted password
session_token string not null, indexed, unique User's unique session token
created_at datetime not null Automatic timestamp
updated_at datetime not null Automatic timestamp
  • index on username, unique: true
  • index on email, unique: true
  • index on session_token, unique: true


Column Name Data Type Details Description
id integer not null, primary key Stock internal ID
name string not null, indexed, unique Stock name
ticker string not null, indexed, unique Stock ticker symbol
created_at datetime not null Automatic timestamp
updated_at datetime not null Automatic timestamp
  • index on name, unique: true
  • index on ticker, unique: true
  • Note: will be utilizing IEX Cloud api for other stock related info such as "CEO, location, employee count, and etc."


Column Name Data Type Details Description
id integer not null, primary key
user_id integer not null User that owns this specific stock ticker
stock_id integer not null, foreign key Ticker symbol of the stock share that is owned
qty_owned integer not null Quantity of stock shares owned by user
  • user_id references users
  • stock_id references stocks


Column Name Data Type Details Description
id integer not null, primary key
watchlist string not null Name of the watchlist
user_id integer not null User ID
created_at datetime not null Automatic timestamp
updated_at datetime not null Automatic timestamp
  • user_id references users


Column Name Data Type Details Description
id integer not null, primary key
watchlist_id integer not null Watchlist ID
stock_id integer not null Stock Symbol
created_at datetime not null Automatic timestamp
updated_at datetime not null Automatic timestamp
  • watchlist_id references watchlists
  • stock_id references stocks


Column Name Data Type Details Description
id integer not null, primary key Trade log id
buy_or_sell string not null Indicator of buying stock or selling stock, options are: 'buy' or 'sell'
mkt_price float not null Current stock price
actual_shares float not null # of shares actually purchased or sold
stock_id integer not null, foreign key ID of stock purchased
user_id integer not null, foreign key ID of logged in user
created_at datetime not null Automatic timestamp
updated_at datetime not null Automatic timestamp
  • user_id references users
  • stock_id references stocks
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