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Command Reference
Not yet complete. And in fact incredibly out of date now.
Note that sometimes there are other ways to phrase things which will also trigger these; I'm not listing every possible combination.
Synopsis: Makes the bot replicate something
Syntax: <botname> [please] replicate <who> <what>
- who - single-word description of who should be given the what ('me' and 'yourself' work)
- what - what should be replicated and handed over
The bot will replicate something and hand it to .
Variations: make, create, and send are synonyms for replicate. Use 'make into' for alternate behaviour.
Synopsis: You can set fire to the bot
Syntax: /me sets fire to <botname>
Take out your anger by combusting the bot
Variations: Try igniting the bot too. You can also set them on fire instead of setting fire to them.
Synopsis: The bot will moo back
Syntax: moo
Moo at the bot. It'll moo back
Synopsis: The bot will 'cloak'
Syntax: <botname> cloak
Used for the Star Trek-type commands. Changes the bots behaviour slightly.
See also: decloak fire
Synopsis: The bot will 'decloak'
Syntax: <botname> decloak
Used for the Star Trek-type commands. Changes the bots behaviour slightly.
See also: cloak fire
Synopsis: The bot will fire on something/one, with a random chance of failure
Syntax: <botname> fire (phasers|photons|everything) at <target>
The bot will decloak (if cloaked), swoop in on the target, and fire. Sometimes will fail due to incompetence or technical problems.
See also: decloak cloak
Synopsis: Courtmartial someone with a random charge
Syntax: <botname> courtmartial <who> [with banzai]
- who - who should be courtmartialed
- [with banzai] - add this to enable banzai mode
The user will be placed in the brig. After a set amount of time (30s or so), they will be charged with two random offences, and then found guilty or innocent.
If they are found guilty, a random penalty is given.
Banzai mode will only make sense to you if you've seen the Channel 4 show 'Banzai' in the UK.
Synopsis: Eat something (or someone)
Syntax: <botname> [please] eat <object> [out]
- object - What to eat
- [out] - Work it out yourself :P
The bot will eat something as specified
Synopsis: Greet the bot
Syntax: hi <botname>
Greet the bot. It'll greet you back, unless it already greeted you (e.g. on join).
Variations: The full list of greetings bMotion understands includes: hey, hi, hello, r, greetings, hullo, bonjour, morning, afternoon, evening, yo, and y0. You can also greet it with !
Synopsis: Warn the bot of impending danger
Syntax: <botname> watch out[!]
Warn the bot of danger. It'll run for it or hide.
Variations: You can tell bMotion to: watch out, watch it,careful, run for it, run for the hills, hide, and duck
Synopsis: Thank the bot
Syntax: thanks <botname>
Be polite, and thank the bot if it does something for you. Thanking it when it hasn't done anything for you is pointless and you'll get ignored.
Variations: You can also say one of: thankz, thankx, thankyou, thank you, thx, thanx, ta, cheers, merki, and merci
Synopsis: Apologise to the bot
Syntax: [[i'm] very] sorry <botname>
or <botname>: sorry
Make amends with the bot after you'be been rude/unkind to it
Synopsis: Welcome the bot when it returns
Syntax: welcome back <botname>
Welcome the bot back from a netsplit or rejoining IRC, just as you would a normal user.
Variations: wb and re will also work
Synopsis: Tell the bot you love it
Syntax: I love you <botnick>
Express your undying love for the bot. Make sure you're the right gender...
Variations: Lots of Variations on this one. Work them out yourself.
Synopsis: Make the bot horny
Syntax: uNf|~rarr~|~oof~
Be horny in the channel; it turns the bots on.
Synopsis: Pretend you're Picard
Syntax: <botname> make it so|<something>
'Make it so' will fire phasers or something similar. You can also make it whatever you want (e.g. make it rain)
Synopsis: When you need to be given something
Syntax: <botname> [please] hand|give|pass <who> <what>
- who - single-word description of who should be handed the item. ('me' and 'yourself' work)
- what - the item that should be handed over
Get the bot to hand/pass you something you need
See also: replicate
Synopsis: Be part of the Staines massive, aii
Syntax: aiiii|respect|you got me mobile|wikkid|innit|you iz <something>
'nuff said
Synopsis: For when your tricorder fails
Syntax: <botname> activate <something> detectors|sensors
Ask the bot to scan the channel for something (e.g. activate ming detectors). It will scan the channel and report a random level of whatever.
Synopsis: Transformers! Robots in disguise!
Syntax: <botname> transform and roll out
The bot will transform into a random object and roll out
Synopsis: It's an entire different kind of flying, all together
Syntax: , all together
That good old joke from "Airplane!". Works best in a channel with more than one bot running the script.
Synopsis: The bot will pick up on questions and try to help to answer them
Syntax: what['s] [time] <something>?
This is a random trigger (happens by chance). If you ask a what time question, you'll get a random time, else you'll probably get told to mind your own business.
See also: when
Syntax: When <something>?
See also: what
Syntax: oops
Go on, be incompetent in front of the bot. I dare you.
Synopsis: Insult the bot
Syntax: stupid bot
Vent your anger when the bot gets something wrong. Be careful though, it might hit back...
Syntax: wachoo|*sneeze[s]*|/me sneezes
Give the bot a chance to be polite when you sneeze
Syntax: :O
, blimey
, etc
The bot will be as shocked as you are
Syntax: not even a little bit?
Let the bot tell you you can
Syntax: <botnick>'s a bot|are you a bot, <botnick>
The bot will deny all allegations that it is one
Syntax: *snicker[s]*|/me snickers
If you Snicker, the bot will Polo.
Synopsis: Get the bot to do your dirty work
Syntax: <botnick> [please] kill <nick> [with <item>]
- [with ] - Optionally specify what to kill with
Ask the bot to kill someone for you. If you specify a weapon, the bot will use that; else it'll pick something itself
Synopsis: For when bMotion just gets annoying
Syntax: <botnick> (shutup|shut up|go away|silence)
If the bot gets annoying, tell it to shut up. It'll set itself away and be silent for five minutes. Note that only the bot owner can cancel this prematurely. Don't do it though. The bot is lovely. :-(