This is a site dedicated to creating and sharing Magic: The Gathering Decks. It will hopefully show meaningful information that current deck building sites do not make easily accessible
- Ruby
- Rails
- Javascript
- Bootstrap
- Bootswatch
- bcrypt
- rename gem
I started initially focusing on the card aspect of my project, but quickly realized I did not put enough focus on my databases and lead to me having to rebuild my models in a new project. Once I was able to fully set up my MVC relations I was able to once again focus on how to fetch cards properly and what to do with their data.
##Installation Instructions
- Requires Rails 5 and Ruby 2.x
- Clone this repo
- Navigate to the files in terminal
- Run the following commands:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails s
- Navigate to localhost:300 in your browser
##Unsolved Problems
- Allow user to be signed in after account creation
- Does not have most deck building features
- Did not get users to be able to sign in automatically after signing up
- Card display algorithm gets slow once card count begins to get around 50+