- Get intent examples for workspace
- Get intent examples for workspace, based on word count
- Show all intents for workspace
- Change message string depending on value assigned to
- Full json reports for each intent, with response data
- Summary report of correct matching intents
- Log files for request or Watson API exception errors
folder contains the imported messages files
folder holds the results file with all response data
folder hold all data related to errors
brew update
brew install python3
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cp config.example.conf config.conf
Complete the config.conf file
export SPACE_ID=workspace-id
To get current workspace ids:
curl -u "workspace-user-id":"workspace-password" "workspace-url"```
python3 sendallmessages.py
find ./logs/ -type f -size 0 -exec rm -f {} \;
From the report
find ./ -exec sed -i '' '1s/^{/[&/' {} \;
find ./ -exec sed -i '' '$ s/.$/]/' {} \;
python3 jsoncompare.py file1.json file2.json > output.txt
python3 extractwordsmatchingcount.py