- introduce running analyzers from command line
- tsctl vs. timesketch-tools
- fixed a small issue with beatifulsoup
- update README.md
- introduce sketch search
- write down how to test it
- fixed typo in Readme
- added sample_files
- version 0.4
- bump of version in config
- datetime tools included
- include pytaxonomie "browser" ** adjust requirement file
- python3 ready
- version 0.3
- bump version in config
- rewirtten argparse
- ability to list searchindice
- explore a sketch
- currently only * will be passed as query
- add Label to Event
- display s single event
- migrated to python3
- introduced documentation per method
- add event(s) to a sketch
- added user_input to provice sketch id
- added ability to use the current system time as timestamp
- added check for right timestamp format
- Adjusted requirements.txt
- adjusted .gitignore
- version 0.1
- version 0.2
- create sketches capability
- improved code quality
- initial version