A dedicated repo to interact with the API of Timesketch
This is an unofficial tool and is in no way supported by Google / Timesketch team.
Use on your own risk, might break stuff...
git clone https://github.com/deralexxx/timesketch-tools/
This repo is coming with a dedicated timesketch_api_client version to add some more functionality (but will be removed as soon as every PR is merged).
timesketch-tools.py -h
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/_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/_/\_\__/\__/\__/_//_/-tools v0.4
usage: timesketch-tools.py [-h]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
You can add an event to a Sketch with:
timesketch-tools.py sketch -o addevent -sid 1
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/_ __(_)_ _ ___ ___ / /_____ / /_____/ /
/ / / / ' \/ -_|_-</ '_/ -_) __/ __/ _
/_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/_/\_\__/\__/\__/_//_/-tools v0.3
Please provide informations to the event you would like to add timestamp, timestamp_desc, message will be promted
Timestamp (use Format: YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS+00:00 2018-01-15T10:45:50+00:00) use c for current time c
timestamp_desc this is a description
message message test
Event added, ID: 41 Date:2018-11-09T09:46:46+00:00 timestamp desc this is a description messagemessage test
You can list sketches in your timesketch instance
python3 timesketch-tools.py sketches -o list
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/ / / / ' \/ -_|_-</ '_/ -_) __/ __/ _
/_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/_/\_\__/\__/\__/_//_/-tools v0.4
Namespace(func=<function sketches at 0x7f1443dac710>, option='list')
| id | Name |
| 1 | aaa |
timesketch-tools.py searchindices -o list
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/_ __(_)_ _ ___ ___ / /_____ / /_____/ /
/ / / / ' \/ -_|_-</ '_/ -_) __/ __/ _
/_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/_/\_\__/\__/\__/_//_/-tools v0.3
| id | Searchindex name |
| 1 | redline_test |
| 2 | redline_test |
| 3 | sample |
| 4 | redline_test |
| 5 | redline_test |
| 6 | redline_test |
| 39 | test123 |
| 40 | test123 |
| 41 | test1234 |
| 42 | sketch specific timeline |
| 43 | my_timeline |
timesketch-tools.py sketch -o create -n testsketch
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/_ __(_)_ _ ___ ___ / /_____ / /_____/ /
/ / / / ' \/ -_|_-</ '_/ -_) __/ __/ _
/_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/_/\_\__/\__/\__/_//_/-tools v0.3
What is the description of your new sketch? this is a description
Created sketch testsketch URL :
timesketch-tools.py sketch -o list -sid 1
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/_ __(_)_ _ ___ ___ / /_____ / /_____/ /
/ / / / ' \/ -_|_-</ '_/ -_) __/ __/ _
/_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/_/\_\__/\__/\__/_//_/-tools v0.3
| id | Name |
| 39 | test123 |
| 40 | test1234 |
| 41 | sketch specific timeline |
| 42 | my_timeline |
timesketch-tools.py modify_event -o addComment --event_id AWQw5_NpeBLZMUY_lr62 --index_id ae92d77b677b43c7802a2ebe767d947d
_______ __ __ __
/_ __(_)_ _ ___ ___ / /_____ / /_____/ /
/ / / / ' \/ -_|_-</ '_/ -_) __/ __/ _
/_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/_/\_\__/\__/\__/_//_/-tools v0.3
please provide sketch id1
Please provide your comment Textthis is a wonderful comment
timesketch-tools.py modify_event -o display --event_id AWQw5_NpeBLZMUY_lr62 --sketchid 1
_______ __ __ __
/_ __(_)_ _ ___ ___ / /_____ / /_____/ /
/ / / / ' \/ -_|_-</ '_/ -_) __/ __/ _
/_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/_/\_\__/\__/\__/_//_/-tools v0.3
| datetime | timestamp_desc | message | labels | _id | _index |
| 2013-05-15T18:38:24 | File/PEInfo/PETimestamp Files | C:\Windows\System32\qlco10011.dll e7c984669e9e22c7d8ba55a101a07fcb | [__ts_comment, foo_label, labeltest2] | AWQw5_NpeBLZMUY_lr62 | ae92d77b677b43c7802a2ebe767d947d |
python3 timesketch-tools.py modify_event -o addLabel --event_id AWc19oPsqgYnbgC2IIEH --index_id 1f9d42fd839a4324b0c4dcc1d47b55d2
_______ __ __ __
/_ __(_)_ _ ___ ___ / /_____ / /_____/ /
/ / / / ' \/ -_|_-</ '_/ -_) __/ __/ _
/_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/_/\_\__/\__/\__/_//_/-tools v0.4
please provide sketch id1
Please provide your Text
do you want to search within the pyTaxonomies? (y/n) y
Term you want to search for e.g. PAP, TLP, ...tlp
Term you want to search for e.g. PAP, TLP, ...TLP
Seems we did not find the value 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'machinetags_expanded'
Term you want to search for e.g. PAP, TLP, ...pap
Seems we did not find the value 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'machinetags_expanded'
Term you want to search for e.g. PAP, TLP, ...PAP
Give labelPAP:WHITE
The searchterm can be used with "*" in front or back to have every character. The search is not case sensitive.
timesketch-tools.py sketch -o search -sid 1 -st *win*
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/_ __(_)_ _ ___ ___ / /_____ / /_____/ /
/ / / / ' \/ -_|_-</ '_/ -_) __/ __/ _
/_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/_/\_\__/\__/\__/_//_/-tools v0.4
Searching for: '*win*' in sketch 'aaaUntitled sketch'
| datetime | message | labels | _id | _index |
| 2018-10-15T18:52:06+00:00 | win | [] | AWc__lO_IUecPZLawtVa | 524f5e7b530a16eba408968369e5a716 |
| 2018-10-15T18:52:06+00:00 | Windows Domain admin credentials gone away to the hacker | [] | AWdAAExzIUecPZLawtVb | 524f5e7b530a16eba408968369e5a716 |
python3 timesketch-tools.py sketch -o list -sid 1
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/_ __(_)_ _ ___ ___ / /_____ / /_____/ /
/ / / / ' \/ -_|_-</ '_/ -_) __/ __/ _
/_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/_/\_\__/\__/\__/_//_/-tools v0.5
| id | Name |
| 22 | disablestop-eventlog.evtx |
Run it:
timesketch-tools.py sketch -o analyze -sid 1 -tl 22 -a sigma_windows
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/ / / / ' \/ -_|_-</ '_/ -_) __/ __/ _
/_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/_/\_\__/\__/\__/_//_/-tools v0.5
{'objects': [{'analysis_session': 75}]}
In the celery log you will see:
[sigma_windows] result: Applied 2 tags
* win_susp_time_modification: 0
* win_susp_eventlog_cleared: 2
* win_susp_security_eventlog_cleared: 0
* win_susp_wmi_login: 0
* win_susp_add_sid_history: 0
* win_account_discovery: 0
* win_user_creation: 0
* win_susp_codeintegrity_check_failure: 0
* win_usb_device_plugged: 0
Verify the findings:
timesketch-tools.py sketch -o search -sid 1 -st *win_susp_eventlog_cleared*
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/_ __(_)_ _ ___ ___ / /_____ / /_____/ /
/ / / / ' \/ -_|_-</ '_/ -_) __/ __/ _
/_/ /_/_/_/_/\__/___/_/\_\__/\__/\__/_//_/-tools v0.5
Searching for: '*win_susp_eventlog_cleared*' in sketch 'aaa'
| datetime | message | labels | _id | _index |
| 2019-04-27T21:04:26+00:00 | [104 / 0x0068] Source Name: Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog Strings: ['jwrig', 'DESKTOP-JR78RLP', 'System'] Computer Name: DESKTOP-JR78RLP Record Number: 1 Event Level: 4 | [] | -J1VS3IB6L88DsjUZZdv | 1c4b78a002ec4d199f6e93540e4ea315 |
| 2019-04-27T21:04:32+00:00 | [104 / 0x0068] Source Name: Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog Strings: ['jwrig', 'DESKTOP-JR78RLP', 'System'] Computer Name: DESKTOP-JR78RLP Record Number: 1 Event Level: 4 | [] | -Z1VS3IB6L88DsjUZZdv | 1c4b78a002ec4d199f6e93540e4ea315 |
tsctl is the tool used locally on the timesketch machine. timesketch-tools is made to be used with the API from any machine that has network connection to the timesketch instance.
If you want to play or test with timesketch-tools it is recommended to create a venv:
pip3 install virtualenv
git clone https://github.com/deralexxx/timesketch-tools
cd timesketch-tools
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
(venv)#python3 timesketch-tools -h
You can either interact with the demo site (demo.timesketch.org) By using the config_demo.config file.
Other option is to make use of the vagrant image of timesketch: https://github.com/google/timesketch/tree/master/vagrant Start the vagrant image and then make:
cp config.sample config_local.config
USERNAME = spock
PASSWORD = spock
version = 0.4
And adjust the to be used config in the timesketch-tools.py file.
Happy playing
- add Labels to events
- create sketches
- get the new api_client version merged
Feel free to make pull requests or open issues to contribute to that repository