Redux - do this tutorial using sandbox to make sure understand it well. Tutorial here
- use just tailwind (change in readme and on portfolio page and cv when done)
- fix for mobile - iphone se not looking great.
- apply default colours consistently. -Consistent colors, search with % for white gray black neutral etc and replace
- Use sass, see articles on why better than tailwind / other approach basically, use to demonstrate that can use sass/styled components and other forms of css
- dark and light mode
- order by name/architect/date built.
- Filter by Architect.
- Shuffle button.
- Search bar.
- filter to see ones you've visited / unvisited
- back to top floating button
- Instead of get directions, should say "View on map" and link back to map page, with that feature clicked. This will need a duplicate feature card component.
- I wanted to build a game using the same data, to test user's on their knowledge of the buildings. E.g. Photo, what building is this, user inputs their answer.
- share in some of these places