An open-source package that comprises CAD and CAE tools for highly automated evaluation of electric field distribution and neural activation during Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). Details can be found in "Butenko K, Bahls C, Schroeder M, Koehling R, van Rienen U (2020) 'OSS-DBS: Open-source simulation platform for deep brain stimulation with a comprehensive automated modeling.' PLoS Comput Biol 16(7): e1008023."
Please refer to OSS-DBS - tutorial.pdf, which provides instructions for installation and testing.
Folder OSS_Platform is the core of OSS-DBS and it contains all files necessary to run simulations in the platform. The rest is documentation and Docker files. If you prefer to run the platform without Docker, install the software as listed in dockerfiles from docker/base and docker/fenics19.
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