sudo apt-get install tmux tmuxinator
cp config_files/.tmux.conf ~/
To work with tmuxinator you should set EDITOR env variable:
export EDITOR=vim
Thats all you need to run tmux and tmuxinator.
Activate ssh server for your machine and then allow others to connect to your tmux session adding this line to your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
command="/path/to/your/tmux attach -t pair" <public_key>
Now a remote user could do ssh your_user@your_host and attached to tmux session if it exists
Silversearcher and YouCompleteMe is used by vim plugins and is optional but recommended to install, to prevent errors with the vim config of this project.
Rubocop is used by Syntastic but do not install it if you are not going to use ruby.
sudo apt-get install vim-gtk
It is also recommended to use powerline fonts see PowerLine Fonts for installation.
Check this pages for instructions:
- Vim
- PowerLine Fonts for installation.
Installing Vundle plugin manager
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
Using vim config from this repo
cp config_files/.vimrc* ~/
Finally downloading plugins
vim +BundleInstall +qall
Vim ready just lets complete installation enabling two more plugins
On ubuntu/debian:
sudo apt-get install silversearcher-ag
On other OS check:
On Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake python-dev python3-dev
On other OS check:
After setting vim config and installing YCM dependencies
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe && ./
This compiles YCM server part
To use syntastic with ruby as seen on the slide shows just make sure you have ruby ~2.3.0 and rubocop in your path I recommend to use rbenv to install ruby:
when you have installed ruby just
gem install rubocop