I'm a back-end developer located in Vienna, Austria. I have experience with PHP, Java and Kotlin, and have done several pet projects in Java.
- udacity-hotel-reservation-app, the first project I did during Udacity Java Programming nanodegree
- udacity-udasecurity, the second project in Udacity Java Programming nanodegree. It is not polished and lacks a proper description
- udacity-parallel-web-crawler, the third project in Udacity Java Programming nanodegree. It is not polished and also lacks a proper description
- smaller-web-hexagon, my attempt to implement a simple example of hexagon architecture
- pluralsight-conf-demo, my first simple CRUD app in Spring Boot
- udemy-dsa-barrett, my implementation of data structures and algorithms discussed in Data Structures & Algorithms - Java course by Scott Barrett on Udemy
- craftworks-task-tracker, a CRUD application in Spring Boot with intermediate features and Docker compose
- ccds-word-count, my solution of Word count agility kata of Clean Code Developer School
- rss-feed-archiver, Spring Boot app handling POST HTTP requests with URLs of RSS feeds by persisting feed entries to a database
You can contact me at ivan dot v dot zykov at gmail dot com. Also, feel free to visit my LinkedIn page.