diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 13dc54e..4286d8a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,51 +1,53 @@
+Fake ChatGPT Plus
-> A chrome extension that makes it look like you have ChatGPT Plus. Designed for free users only.
+> A chrome extension (also works for other chromium browsers) that makes it look like you have ChatGPT Plus. Designed for free users only.
## Install
-- Click on the green "code" button
-- Select download zip
+- Click on the green "Code" button
+- Select "Download zip"
## Usage
-- Unzip the folder
-- Go to [Chrome's Manage Extensions page](chrome://extensions/)
-- Toggle the "developer mode" option
+- Unzip the downloaded folder
+- Go to your browser's manager extensions page. For example, on chrome: `chrome://extensions/`.
+- Toggle the "Developer mode" option
- Click on "Load unpacked" button
- Select your unzipped folder
- Go to [ChatGPT's website](https://chat.openai.com)
- Enjoy your fake looking ChatGPT Plus!
-## Author
-👤 **Ron Nuss**
-* Website: https://itsron.space
-* Github: [@itsrn](https://github.com/itsrn)
-* LinkedIn: [@itsrn](https://linkedin.com/in/itsrn)
## 🤝 Contributing
-Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check [issues page](https://github.com/itsrn/fake-chatgpt-plus/issues).
+Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check [issues page](https://github.com/itsrn/fake-chatgpt-plus/issues).
## Show your support
Give a ⭐️ if you likes this project and want to support me!
## Version History
-* 0.4.6 *(Supported and Recommended)*
- * Fixed ChatGPT's logo background color is not changed to purple (like the GPT 4 one)
-* 0.4.4 *(Not supported)*
- * Fixed ["Upgrade to plus" button to stop showing](https://github.com/itsrn/fake-chatgpt-plus/issues/3)
-* 0.4.2 *(Not supported)*
- * Fixed [Profile buttons doesn't appear](https://github.com/itsrn/fake-chatgpt-plus/issues/1).
-* 0.4.0 *(Not supported)*
- * Initial Release.
+- 0.4.8
+ - Fixed the "Upgrade to plus" button being shown
+ - Updated the header ("`Default (GPT-X)`") text to GPT-4
+> All of the versions below `v0.4.8` are now counted as legacy versions that
+> are not support or recommended. Please upgrade to newer version if you are using one of them.
+- 0.4.6
+ - Fixed ChatGPT's logo background color is not changed to purple (like the GPT 4 one)
+- 0.4.4
+ - Fixed ["Upgrade to plus" button to stop showing](https://github.com/itsrn/fake-chatgpt-plus/issues/3)
+- 0.4.2
+ - Fixed [Profile buttons doesn't appear](https://github.com/itsrn/fake-chatgpt-plus/issues/1).
+- 0.4.0
+ - Initial Release.
## 📝 License
diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index f64f2e0..3bcc8bc 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -1,15 +1,32 @@
function removeUpgradeButton() {
const upgradeToPlusButton = document.querySelectorAll(
- ".flex.px-3.min-h-\\[44px\\].py-1.items-center.gap-3.transition-colors.duration-200.text-white.cursor-pointer",
- ".text-sm.hover\\:bg-gray-800.rounded-md"
+ ".flex.px-3.py-1.items-center.gap-3.transition-colors.duration-200.cursor-pointer.text-sm.rounded-md"
)[2]; //gets the "upgrade to plus" button element
- if (upgradeToPlusButton && upgradeToPlusButton.role !== "menuitem") {
+ if (
+ upgradeToPlusButton &&
+ upgradeToPlusButton.textContent == "Upgrade to Plus"
+ ) {
//if exists in page and isn't a button in the profile menu then remove it
+function updateHeaderChatModel() {
+ const HeaderSpan = document.querySelector(
+ ".flex.flex-1.flex-grow.items-center.gap-1.px-2.py-1.text-gray-600.dark\\:text-gray-200.sm\\:justify-center.sm\\:p-0"
+ );
+ //gets the header span element
+ if (HeaderSpan) {
+ //if it exists
+ if (HeaderSpan.children[0].textContent == "Default (GPT-3.5)") {
+ //and if the model specified there isn't GPT-4 change it
+ HeaderSpan.children[0].textContent = "Default (GPT-4)";
+ }
+ }
function updateChatGptIcons() {
const ChatGptIcons = document.querySelectorAll(
@@ -43,16 +60,19 @@ function changeButtonBackgroundColor() {
-Currently causing weird freezes of the website so it is not included,
-until i'll find a fix for that freeze issue.
+! Currently causing weird freezes of the website so it is not included,
+! until i'll find a fix for that freeze issue.
+* Although what mentioned above, using this function code in the browser
+* console will work just fine.
function updateHeaderText() {
- const headerElement = document.querySelector(
- ".text-4xl.font-semibold.text-center.mt-6.ml-auto.mr-auto.mb-4.sm\\:mb-16.flex.gap-2.items-center.justify-center"
+ const centeredTextElement = document.querySelector(
+ ".text-4xl.font-semibold.text-center.text-gray-200.ml-auto.mr-auto.mb-10.flex.gap-2.items-center.justify-center.flex-grow"
- if (headerElement) {
- headerElement.innerHTML =
+ if (centeredTextElement) {
+ centeredTextElement.innerHTML =
@@ -62,6 +82,7 @@ function handleMutations() {
+ updateHeaderChatModel();
const observer = new MutationObserver(handleMutations);
diff --git a/manifest.json b/manifest.json
index 3c1b915..837c92b 100644
--- a/manifest.json
+++ b/manifest.json
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
- "manifest_version": 3,
- "name": "Fake ChatGPT Plus",
- "version": "0.4.2",
- "description": "Make it look like you have ChatGPT Plus",
- "host_permissions": ["https://chat.openai.com/*"],
- "content_scripts": [{
- "matches": ["https://chat.openai.com/*"],
- "js": ["index.js"],
- "run_at": "document_idle"
- }]
\ No newline at end of file
+ "manifest_version": 3,
+ "name": "Fake ChatGPT Plus",
+ "version": "0.4.8",
+ "description": "Make it look like you have ChatGPT Plus.",
+ "host_permissions": ["https://chat.openai.com/*"],
+ "content_scripts": [
+ {
+ "matches": ["https://chat.openai.com/*"],
+ "js": ["index.js"],
+ "run_at": "document_idle"
+ }
+ ]