Releases: itk-dev/dpl-design-system
Releases · itk-dev/dpl-design-system
- 46bc916: Rewriting of search-result-item link (kasperbirch1) #59,#84
- eaad259: Add new spacing variablne (kasperbirch1) #59,#84
- d8189ce: Add material-description (kasperbirch1) #59,#84
- b813a1b: Change name from material-app to material-page (kasperbirch1) #59,#84
- 7f92684: Change prop name from materialDescription to description (kasperbirch1) #59,#84
- c44d393: Change name from material-link to material-series-line (kasperbirch1) #59,#84
- b29a1fa: Change css to use variables (kasperbirch1) #59,#84
- 679004b: Change files to pascal case (kasperbirch1) #59,#84
- e280fba: Change name from materialLinkData to seriesLineData (kasperbirch1) #59,#84
- abdcefd: Update dependencies (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- eba673c: Clean up storybook structure (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 4b6b17f: Update paths (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- bf83fe4: Updated lock file generated from docker setup (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 45b144e: Update readme section about stories structure (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 16e5524: CMN-213: added progress bar atom (Sine Jespersen) #59
- e8069fd: CMN-213: move files (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 7a2af91: CMN-213: add style classes (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 44dc40a: CMN-213: added progress bar container (Sine Jespersen) #59
- f6ead51: CMN-213: added porgress bar component (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 9eeae52: CMN-213: imported css (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 336db67: CMN-213: rename from progress to status (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 7659213: CMN-213: corrected spelling (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 9d94292: CMN-213: move files after rebase with release (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 42e6a82: CMN-213: update paths (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 7131bc8: CMN-213: Update favorite icon structure (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 83e148f: CMN-213: Re-structure into Library and Blocks (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 0db6ef4: CMN-213: Update readme (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- f3e5312: CMN-213: Add initial space between text-labels (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- fdcc3d4: CMN-213: Update structure of loan/reservation status and its sub componenets (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- f213326: Fix failing tests (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 0d5ccd5: Add updated lock file (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- ce09054: Fix markdown code styles (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- d599488: fix typescript errors (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 829f66c: fixes after rebase (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 8a23d27: fix rebase error (Sine Jespersen) #59
- cd97bcf: Change story title to fit new structure (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 7d4dd42: Update how to use descriptions (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 10faf7f: Move new parts into library and update paths (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 3bcabf4: Move new parts into library and update paths (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- c4594b0: Fix stylesheet path (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 2c50360: Use white color background for header input field and no focus outline. (Adam Antal) #52
- 67b1515: Added docker compose setup (Jesper Kristensen) #53
- 54ec070: Added go-task file (Jesper Kristensen) #53
- 9d003ed: Changed storybook to port 80 (Jesper Kristensen) #53
- b465f73: Updated package lock (Jesper Kristensen) #53
- d0152b4: Added markdown lint and fixed readme file (Jesper Kristensen) #53
- 22e9318: Task file clean up (Jesper Kristensen) #53
- 5461cad: Updated readme with docker and tasks information (Jesper Kristensen) #53
- 9321f0a: Heart toggle icon (Kasper Birch) #66
- e84972f: Update package-lock.json's dev dependancies order (Adam Antal) #58
- 7469211: Create a dropdown text suggestion component. (Adam Antal) #58
- 0558571: refactor component IconHeart / IconFavourite (Kasper Birch) #66
- 0ff03db: Add SearchResultElement component. (Kasper Birch) #66
- 7a283c2: add controls and defaultValues to storybook argTypes. (Kasper Birch) #66
- 06bee36: Add SearchResultElement component. (Kasper Birch) #66
- b63cff6: add controls and defaultValues to storybook argTypes. (Kasper Birch) #66
- 2ed9ae2: Swithes to non standard port in docker (Jesper Kristensen) #53
- a483968: Add css and renamed the folder. (Kasper Birch) #66
- 97f6b5a: Update package.json and package-lock.json (Adam Antal) #58
- a5c163e: Merge branch 'heart-toggle' into search-result-components (Kasper Birch) #66
- 4f0a9bb: switch from categoryScore to seriesNumber (Kasper Birch) #66
- 887ca03: removed the selected type (Kasper Birch) #66
- c2f6260: change to responsive (Kasper Birch) #66
- 71598f9: pull and fix conflicts (Kasper Birch) #66
- 5506094: Create Autosuggest text component, story, and styling (Adam Antal) #58
- fcd81f3: Add a form with styling as an update to the header component (Adam Antal) #58
- 7e00760: Refactor css for more responsive layout (kasperbirch1) #66
- 8123b2c: Refactor search result markup and CSS to reduce nesting (Kasper Garnaes) #66
- ae8531e: Update availability elements in search result element (Kasper Garnaes) #66
- 6f3d519: Remove default values from search result element component (Kasper Garnaes) #66
- 923e885: Use white color background for header input field and no focus outline. (Adam Antal) #56
- de7a877: Replace align-items with align-content. (kasperbirch1) #66
- 6ded4f9: Change .scss name from IconFavourite to icon-favourite (kasperbirch1) #66
- 2237d14: Move favourite svg size control to css insted of inlinline values (kasperbirch1) #66
- 850d838: Add comments (kasperbirch1) #66
- 60336a8: Move defaultValue to argTypes for consistency (kasperbirch1) #66
- f5435f0: Remove unnecessary jsx { } (kasperbirch1) #66
- ab172a1: Merge branch 'release/1' into feature/suggestion-text (Adam Antal) #58
- 8331430: Add white background color and hover shadow to search result element (kasperbirch1) #66
- 5dbe2b5: Add props type to the AutosuggestText.stories (Adam Antal) #58
- e494f61: Make input placeholder in the header component adjustable in storybook (Adam Antal) #58
- 2fb9d4c: Change width and spacing for search result element (kasperbirch1) #66
- eed1057: Comply with BEM css structuring for the autosuggest-text component (Adam Antal) #58
- fd0e25b: Document process for authenticating when using the NPM package (Kasper Garnaes) #60
- c876b98: Do not stack two wrapper divs over each other in the header component (Adam Antal) #61
- 4cb215d: Make checkbox support keyboard navigation (Kasper Garnaes) #65
- b2b198a: Add story showing multiple checkboxes (Kasper Garnaes) #65
- abe82c0: Add temporary design of focused checkboxes (Kasper Garnaes) #65
- 93073e3: Specify Docker compose files when starting a development environment (Kasper Garnaes) #64
- e205aa1: Add and show IconArrow on SearchResultElement hover (kasperbirch1) #66
- 530be3d: Change name from SearchResultElement to SearchResultItem (kasperbirch1) #66
- 51711ec: Add support for specifying an aria label for checkboxes (Kasper Garnaes) #65
- 9d8fa29: Add cursor pointer to search-result-item (kasperbirch1) #66
- e75a3f6: set the same font size for meta text on search result item (kasperbirch1) #66
- 7a65121: Add aria label for selectable list materials (Kasper Garnaes) #65
- bb42b8b: Fix stylelint comments (kasperbirch1) #66
- 9f95636: Fix width for search-result-item__text (kasperbirch1) #66
- 773f15d: Merge branch 'release/1' into search-result-components (Kasper Birch) #66
- 6400a03: Fix unwanted line breaks for availability-label (kasperbirch1) #66
- fe2464d: Merge branch 'search-result-components' of into search-result-components (Kasper Birch) #66
- c4e4aa8: Add button-favourite (kasperbirch1) #66
- 606bfb4: Add accessibility for search-result-item (kasperbirch1) #66
- dcc91d7: Add nvrmrc param to setup-node tasks (Mikkel Jakobsen) #72
- 9d75548: Fix a11y on favourite btn (Mikkel Jakobsen) #72
- cbfc1ab: Changing language on arialabel on the favourite btn (Mikkel Jakobsen) #72
- a8ff15d: Documenting definition of node ver...
- 63c8d2a: Update dependencies (Jesper Pedersen) #57,#79
- 77f0e6a: Update storybook addon packages to fix a11y check (Jesper Pedersen) #57,#79
- dec56a5: Remove @reload dependencies (Jesper Pedersen) #57,#79
- 9925011: Replace eslint-plugin-reload with the desired updated packages (Jesper Pedersen) #57,#79
- 7eedfc3: Move storybook accessibility tests out of reset task (Jesper Pedersen) #79
- 858e074: Coding styles (Jesper Pedersen) #79
- 14a4eb3: Coding styles (Jesper Pedersen) #79
- 0fb5bf0: Fix a11y on favourite btn (Mikkel Jakobsen) #79
- 1a4916a: Changing language on arialabel on the favourite btn (Mikkel Jakobsen) #79
- c6f3323: Introduce a folder that will contain autosuggest material in the future (Adam Antal) #79
- adcf67f: Create a highlight class for autosuggest text item (Adam Antal) #79
- d2bfbee: Add xsmall size option for Material component (cover picture) (Adam Antal) #79
- 970274d: Generalize naming for autosug. container class & add highlight class (Adam Antal) #79
- a5cca09: Add Autosuggestmaterial component, its story and styling to the project (Adam Antal) #79
- 10a02a1: Add the Figma design url parameter to the story for AutosuggestText (Adam Antal) #79
- c3fa164: Justify autosuggest material items to center (Adam Antal) #79
- 1f6ebd9: Fix all the errors that pop up from a11y github action (Adam Antal) #79
- 17fca71: Only use list items, templates, or scripts inside of unordered lists (Adam Antal) #79
- 032db57: Add value to textContent story argument for Modal text story (Adam Antal) #79
- 28c9c3c: Use textContent exported from ModalText component in the story (Adam Antal) #79
- 362bc9d: Use BEM class naming convention in autosuggest-text and -material (Adam Antal) #79
- f38c7b6: Use predefined spacing classes for autosuggest-text and -material (Adam Antal) #79
- 8eb5983: Use predefined spacing classes to add padding in autossugest material (Adam Antal) #79
- 829200f: Do not use external links for images - link to them internally. (Adam Antal) #79
- 9da2f04: Restructure autosuggest-text & -material to use list items consistently (Adam Antal) #79
- bed9c1a: Follow BEM for class names in autosuggest-text & -material (Adam Antal) #79
- a0330c6: Only use li inside ul in autosuggest-text as per Eslint rules (Adam Antal) #79
- a0dbd67: Delete new book covers for autosuggest-material, and use those we have (Adam Antal) #79
- a69e3aa: Add .prettierignore file (Jesper Pedersen) #79
- 5bc604c: new line (Jesper Pedersen) #79
- Add class for text truncation #79 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Add example #79 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Add stylelint and prettier packages #57 (Jesper Pedersen)
- dcc91d7: Add nvrmrc param to setup-node tasks (Mikkel Jakobsen) #59,#72
- 9d75548: Fix a11y on favourite btn (Mikkel Jakobsen) #59,#72
- cbfc1ab: Changing language on arialabel on the favourite btn (Mikkel Jakobsen) #59,#72
- a8ff15d: Documenting definition of node version (Mikkel Jakobsen) #59,#72
- 8b04bf9: Introduce a folder that will contain autosuggest material in the future (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- 22737de: Create a highlight class for autosuggest text item (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- 873faec: Add xsmall size option for Material component (cover picture) (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- 197dd72: Generalize naming for autosug. container class & add highlight class (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- b73f53d: Add Autosuggestmaterial component, its story and styling to the project (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- 91d6e54: Add the Figma design url parameter to the story for AutosuggestText (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- d454683: Justify autosuggest material items to center (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- 554500d: Fix all the errors that pop up from a11y github action (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- 487bb64: Only use list items, templates, or scripts inside of unordered lists (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- d535c66: Add value to textContent story argument for Modal text story (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- 41994e6: Use textContent exported from ModalText component in the story (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- 4dca9d8: Use BEM class naming convention in autosuggest-text and -material (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- eeb51c7: Use predefined spacing classes for autosuggest-text and -material (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- dd3205d: Use predefined spacing classes to add padding in autossugest material (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- 0568c25: Do not use external links for images - link to them internally. (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- ed81929: Restructure autosuggest-text & -material to use list items consistently (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- 13fbc91: Follow BEM for class names in autosuggest-text & -material (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- bc13848: Only use li inside ul in autosuggest-text as per Eslint rules (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- 55b1baf: Delete new book covers for autosuggest-material, and use those we have (Adam Antal) #59,#67
- b7136c7: Move storybook accessibility tests out of reset task (Jesper Pedersen) #59,#75
- b6ab019: Coding styles (Jesper Pedersen) #59,#75
- 105a409: Coding styles (Jesper Pedersen) #59,#75
- 7fc120f: Add .prettierignore file (Jesper Pedersen) #59,#78
- d463c45: new line (Jesper Pedersen) #59,#78
- 94293f9: Update dependencies (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 028a8ce: Update storybook addon packages to fix a11y check (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- e0e3904: Remove @reload dependencies (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 7afba06: Update dependencies (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- d84bbf7: Clean up storybook structure (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 8813401: Update paths (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- c8bb527: Updated lock file generated from docker setup (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 7f354b6: Update readme section about stories structure (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 5fd5eba: Update dependencies (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- f4dfdb6: CMN-213: added progress bar atom (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 5c5e98b: CMN-213: move files (Sine Jespersen) #59
- c934b58: CMN-213: add style classes (Sine Jespersen) #59
- b976231: CMN-213: added progress bar container (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 301bcd6: CMN-213: added porgress bar component (Sine Jespersen) #59
- a2e3bbb: CMN-213: imported css (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 4a70173: CMN-213: rename from progress to status (Sine Jespersen) #59
- b2610bf: CMN-213: corrected spelling (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 61495d9: CMN-213: move files after rebase with release (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 582e4ed: CMN-213: update paths (Sine Jespersen) #59
- 27a015b: CMN-213: Update favorite icon structure (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 63f56ed: CMN-213: Re-structure into Library and Blocks (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- b89db55: CMN-213: Update readme (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 247badb: CMN-213: Add initial space between text-labels (Jesper Pedersen) #59
- 4d693b2: CMN-213: Update structure of loan/reservation status...
- dcc91d7: Add nvrmrc param to setup-node tasks (Mikkel Jakobsen) #72
- 9d75548: Fix a11y on favourite btn (Mikkel Jakobsen) #72
- cbfc1ab: Changing language on arialabel on the favourite btn (Mikkel Jakobsen) #72
- a8ff15d: Documenting definition of node version (Mikkel Jakobsen) #72
- 8b04bf9: Introduce a folder that will contain autosuggest material in the future (Adam Antal) #67
- 22737de: Create a highlight class for autosuggest text item (Adam Antal) #67
- 873faec: Add xsmall size option for Material component (cover picture) (Adam Antal) #67
- 197dd72: Generalize naming for autosug. container class & add highlight class (Adam Antal) #67
- b73f53d: Add Autosuggestmaterial component, its story and styling to the project (Adam Antal) #67
- 91d6e54: Add the Figma design url parameter to the story for AutosuggestText (Adam Antal) #67
- d454683: Justify autosuggest material items to center (Adam Antal) #67
- 554500d: Fix all the errors that pop up from a11y github action (Adam Antal) #67
- 487bb64: Only use list items, templates, or scripts inside of unordered lists (Adam Antal) #67
- d535c66: Add value to textContent story argument for Modal text story (Adam Antal) #67
- 41994e6: Use textContent exported from ModalText component in the story (Adam Antal) #67
- 4dca9d8: Use BEM class naming convention in autosuggest-text and -material (Adam Antal) #67
- eeb51c7: Use predefined spacing classes for autosuggest-text and -material (Adam Antal) #67
- dd3205d: Use predefined spacing classes to add padding in autossugest material (Adam Antal) #67
- 0568c25: Do not use external links for images - link to them internally. (Adam Antal) #67
- ed81929: Restructure autosuggest-text & -material to use list items consistently (Adam Antal) #67
- 13fbc91: Follow BEM for class names in autosuggest-text & -material (Adam Antal) #67
- bc13848: Only use li inside ul in autosuggest-text as per Eslint rules (Adam Antal) #67
- 55b1baf: Delete new book covers for autosuggest-material, and use those we have (Adam Antal) #67
- b7136c7: Move storybook accessibility tests out of reset task (Jesper Pedersen) #75
- b6ab019: Coding styles (Jesper Pedersen) #75
- 105a409: Coding styles (Jesper Pedersen) #75
- 7fc120f: Add .prettierignore file (Jesper Pedersen) #78
- d463c45: new line (Jesper Pedersen) #78