Composer package for the Azure AD Delta Sync flow.
If you are looking to use this in a Symfony or Drupal project you should use either:
- Symfony: itk-dev/azure-ad-delta-sync-symfony
- Drupal: itk-dev/azure-ad-delta-sync-drupal
To install this package directly run
composer require itk-dev/azure-ad-delta-sync
To start the flow one needs to call the
run(HandlerInterface $handler)
Therefore, you must create your own handler that implements
use ItkDev\AzureAdDeltaSync\Handler\HandlerInterface;
class SomeHandler implements HandlerInterface
public function collectUsersForDeletionList(): void
// Some start logic
public function removeUsersFromDeletionList(array $users): void
// Some user logic
public function commitDeletionList(): void
// Some commit logic
To start the flow provide a HTTP Client that implements
PSR-18 CLientInterface
and the required options seen in the example beneath.
Note that this example uses Guzzle HTTP Client. For a list of PSR-18 implementing libraries click here.
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use ItkDev\AzureAdDeltaSync\Controller;
$options = [
'uri' => 'https://aarhus.../RetrieveProvisioningData/...', // System provisioning uri
'security_key' => 'some_security_key', // Provisioning data security key
'client_secret' => 'some_client_secret', // System provisioning client secret
$handler = new SomeHandler();
$client = new Client();
$controller = new Controller($client, $this->options);
Note that this package does not do the synchronization of users, instead it provides a list of all users that currently has access to the system in question.
Should the configured system contain no users an exception will be thrown. This is to avoid using systems to be under the impression that every single user should be deleted.
A docker-compose.yml
file with a PHP 8.2 image is included in this project.
To install the dependencies you can run
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec phpfpm composer install
We use PHPUnit for unit testing. To run the tests:
docker compose exec phpfpm composer install
docker compose exec phpfpm ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests
The test suite uses Mocks for generation of test doubles.
Check PHP coding standards
docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer install
docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer coding-standards-check
Apply coding standard changes
docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer coding-standards-apply
docker run --rm --volume "$PWD:/md" itkdev/markdownlint '**/*.md'
docker run --rm --volume "$PWD:/md" itkdev/markdownlint '**/*.md' --fix
All code checks mentioned above are automatically run by GitHub Actions when a pull request is created.
To run the actions locally, install act and run
act -P ubuntu-latest=shivammathur/node:focal pull_request
Use act -P ubuntu-latest=shivammathur/node:focal pull_request --list
to see
individual workflow jobs that can be run, e.g.
act -P ubuntu-latest=shivammathur/node:focal pull_request --job phpcsfixer
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details