Open the project directory in Android Studio (use default settings).
Connect the device by USB
Click "Run 'App'" icon in Android Studio
After successful run, add device owner rights to the app (optional).
Run in the console
adb shell
Run the command in the adb console
dpm set-device-owner org.laborato.mdmlab.launcher/.AdminReceiver
Build the APK after you successfully build the app.
- Setup the keys for signing the app
- Select Build - Generate signed Bundle / APK
- Select the place you'd like to save APK
- Select the 'lib' item in the project tree
- Select Build - Make Module 'lib'
- Find the library in the 'lib/build/outputs/aar' directory
- Install the Gradle plugin v5.1.1 (Linux only)
- Install Android Studio or download the standalone Android SDK
- Create the file and store the SDK location in this file:
- Run the command
gradlew build
- Find the resulting APK in the app/build/outputs/apk/release/ directory.