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File metadata and controls

80 lines (56 loc) · 3.85 KB

General Architecture of the Composum Integration

See also Composum for specific details.


Java classes are at or in subpackages like for models. Resources are at path /libs/composum/pages/options/ai/ .


General URL prefix is /bin/cpm/ai/ .

at /bin/cpm/ai/dialog : serves the HTML for the dialogs. Follows the usual Composum AbstractServiceServlet pattern with an URL like /bin/cpm/ai/dialog.{operation}.{extension}/{resourcesuffix}?{optional parameters} , for example /bin/cpm/ai/dialog.translationDialog.html/content/ist/software/home/test/_jcr_content/jcr:description?propertypath=jcr:description&pages.locale=de that shows the translation dialog for the property resource that is given as the suffix. Extension can be html or json.

at /bin/cpm/ai/authoring is a servlet providing an adapter to the the backend services that call ChatGPT. Javascript actions will call that servlet except if they want to render a resource (in that case ChatGPTDialogServlet is appropriate). The URL also follows the Composum AbstractServiceServlet pattern, e.g. http://localhost:9090/bin/cpm/ai/authoring.translate.json with operation translate and extension json, the parameters being transmitted via POST.

Common Implementation steps

That's broken down to be partially executable by ChatGPT.

Identifiers / filenames

Make a list specifying

  • {feature} = short name of feature, e.g. create for creation dialog.
  • {resourcetype} = component resource type composum/pages/options/ai/dialogs/{feature}
  • {dialogURL} = /bin/cpm/ai/dialog.{feature}Dialog.html
  • ID for dialog chatgpt-{feature}-dialog
  • a HTML class for all dialog fields that need to be addressed from Javascript: inputs or divs where output will be written. These don't need any common prefix as reading them out will be done using the dialog ID - just use a name appropriate to their function.
  • parameter names for the inputs, when they are transmitted to the server. That will be short, must one word.

1. adapt ChatGPTDialogServlet

Modify the server-side servlet extend the servlet with a new operation {feature}Dialog to serve that operation with with the {resourcetype} - it'll be available at {dialogURL}.

2. JSP Files

  • Feature JSP: Create a JSP file for the new feature at /libs/composum/pages/options/ai/dialogs/{feature}/{feature}.jsp. This file will be used to render the dialog of the feature. This resource is derived from and uses a model specific to the feature,{Feature}DialogModel.

3. CSS


4. Java Model

  • Java model: create model specific to the feature,{Feature} DialogModel, that implements properties needed for the JSP.

5. JavaScript File

Modify the JavaScript file at /libs/composum/pages/options/ai/js/chatgpt.js.

  • Add the URL constant for the {dialogUrl}
  • Add a new "open{Feature}Dialog" method that loads the dialog at {dialogURL} with Ajax, modeled after the other open {Feature}Dialog methods
  • Add a new JavaScript class {Feature}Dialog that initializes attributes for the inputs and outputs from the dialog, using the HTML classes declared in the identifier list.
  • Add methods as listeners for the buttons, similarily to the other classes.
  • Add a method save that writes back the result to the widget the dialog was called on.
  • Add a method for the main action button (e.g. translate, create) that collects the inputs, makes an ajax call to the ChatGPTServlet and writes the result to the output field (div)