See also Composum for specific details.
Java classes are at or in subpackages like for models. Resources are at path /libs/composum/pages/options/ai/ .
General URL prefix is /bin/cpm/ai/ .
at /bin/cpm/ai/dialog
: serves the HTML for the dialogs. Follows the usual Composum
AbstractServiceServlet pattern with an URL like
/bin/cpm/ai/dialog.{operation}.{extension}/{resourcesuffix}?{optional parameters}
, for example
that shows the translation dialog for the property resource that is given as the suffix.
Extension can be html or json.
at /bin/cpm/ai/authoring
is a servlet providing an adapter to the the backend services that call
ChatGPT. Javascript actions will call that servlet except if they want to render a resource (in that case
ChatGPTDialogServlet is appropriate).
The URL also follows the Composum AbstractServiceServlet pattern, e.g.
with operation translate and extension json, the parameters being transmitted via POST.
That's broken down to be partially executable by ChatGPT.
Make a list specifying
- {feature} = short name of feature, e.g. create for creation dialog.
- {resourcetype} = component resource type composum/pages/options/ai/dialogs/{feature}
- {dialogURL} =
- ID for dialog chatgpt-{feature}-dialog
- a HTML class for all dialog fields that need to be addressed from Javascript: inputs or divs where output will be written. These don't need any common prefix as reading them out will be done using the dialog ID - just use a name appropriate to their function.
- parameter names for the inputs, when they are transmitted to the server. That will be short, must one word.
Modify the server-side servlet
: extend the servlet with a new
operation {feature}Dialog
to serve that operation with with the {resourcetype} - it'll be available at {dialogURL}.
- Feature JSP: Create a JSP file for the new feature
. This file will be used to render the dialog of the feature. This resource is derived
and uses a model specific to the feature,{Feature}DialogModel
- Java model: create model specific to the feature,{Feature} DialogModel
, that implements properties needed for the JSP.
Modify the JavaScript file at /libs/composum/pages/options/ai/js/chatgpt.js
- Add the URL constant for the {dialogUrl}
- Add a new "open{Feature}Dialog" method that loads the dialog at {dialogURL} with Ajax, modeled after the other open {Feature}Dialog methods
- Add a new JavaScript class
that initializes attributes for the inputs and outputs from the dialog, using the HTML classes declared in the identifier list. - Add methods as listeners for the buttons, similarily to the other classes.
- Add a method save that writes back the result to the widget the dialog was called on.
- Add a method for the main action button (e.g. translate, create) that collects the inputs, makes an ajax call to the ChatGPTServlet and writes the result to the output field (div)