- Rationale
- Basic idea
- Assumed site structure
- Dealing with references to assets and similar
- Triggering the translation with a debugging UI
- Triggering the translation as a rollout action
- Some technical details
- Open points
- Development
- More details
- More ideas
While it is possible to translate item by item with the content creation dialog in AEM or the translation dialog in Composum, it is more efficient to translate a whole page or a whole folder at once. This is especially true for the translation of the whole website. For AEM there is a translation process ith language copies available, but it is rather laborious to use. So we want to provide a translation process with which it is as easy as possible to create a raw translated version of a page, page tree or site in one go, where the job of the editor is just to inspect the pages afterwards and fix them.
For AEM: instead of the language copies mechanism that is often used for site translation we employ the live copy mechanism, which might be simpler to use, which would also be a distinguishing feature of the Composum AI translation process. The translation would then be a live copy of the original page. The translation process would then go through all components of the translated tree and replace the texts in the text properties. (We opt not to break the inheritance). This would provide an initial translation; for updating the translation, the live copy mechanism could be used in conjunction with a translation by the content creation dialog, or the translation could be updated by the process. Please notice that that changes the semantics of "inheritance" in live copies somewhat: if the inheritance is unbroken, the live copy is the AI translated version of the original page, and if the inheritance is broken, the live copy has manual changes.
This process can be triggered separately, or with a special action performed on rollout - e.g. a new synchronization action that can be integrated into rollout actions and triggers the translation process.
Translated would normally be properties that "obviously" contain text, like jcr:title, jcr:description, text, title etc. (Let's search the wcm core components documentation for that), and properties that heuristically "look like text", that is, contain multiple whitespace sequences. Since that's bound to fail sometimes, we need a rule configuration mechanism in the OSGI configuration that defines positive / negative exceptions.
Since translation is costly in terms of money for the requests, time since ChatGPT isn't too fast, and human time since the translation has to be checked, we want to store information in the components about the original text it was translated from (either verbatim or in form of a hash, to see when a re-translation needs to be triggered) and the text it was originally translated to (so that we can check whether it was manually fixed afterwards, possibly also as a hash).
We save property values : the property value before the translation is saved with prefix ai_original_
and the
property name, and the property value after the translation is saved with prefix `ai_translated_ and the property name.
We assume for now an MSM site structure with:
- the language masters for all relevant languages. There is a primary language master, let's sayen
. The other language masters are live copies of the primary language master. (That's not 100% required and is somewhat contrary to the normal usage of live copies, but makes it clear where the source of a translation is. That's an assumption for now.)- /content/{site}/{en,de,fr,...} are live-copies of the language masters with the respective languages.
That's not "baked in", just the mental model for now with which we check the processes for usefulness.
usage e.g. /content/wknd/language-masters/lc/about-us -> /content/experience-fragments/wknd/language-masters/en/contributors/stacey-roswells/master
Has the same structure as normal content with language masters and so forth. We can make a live copy of the experience fragment folder and translate it, and then replace the items.
usage e.g. /content/wknd/language-masters/lc/adventures/ski-touring-mont-blanc -> /content/dam/wknd/en/adventures/ski-touring-mont-blanc/ski-touring-mont-blanc
Currently heuristic recognition of text attributes. That will probably need a specific implementation observing the models, possibly a translation of the actual models.
They have titles etc, so they are language specific as well, but these are often not used. If content fragments are used, a live copy of the assets for translating content fragments will copy image assets, too - that might be a problem.
Pages have properties before translation:
-> Completely automatic translation is possible. I couldn't try review process yet - probably because of an error:
21.02.2024 10:12:23.824 *ERROR* [JobHandler: /var/workflow/instances/server0/2024-02-20/sync_translation_job_3:/content/projects/portugese/portugese/jcr:content/dashboard/gadgets/translationjob] com.adobe.cq.wcm.translation.impl.I18nDictionary Could not create I18n dict for language pt at /apps/i18n/ I18n Dictionary translation should be managed at the time of development or integration
created copy of /content/dam/wknd/en to /content/dam/wknd/pt - but copied only referenced stuff. Similarily /content/experience-fragments/wknd/language-masters/pt .
Language copies seem to be recognized by path. (Renaming a copy means it is not shown as language copy in AEM Sites.)
We try to follow the way AEM does it - that is, we will use copies of the assets at the langage sister path. These can be created as live copies or just copies and translated with the UI. During the page translation process we check all paths for having a translated language sister path and replace them with the translated paths. (Not quite sure whether it's right to cut inheritance or not.)
The translation process would be a long running process in the server, translating page by page. Thus, it needs to display progress information, allow for cancellation and provide a way to inspect the results. There has to be a form to start the translation process, and a list of translations in progress including links to the translated pages within the editor, and details about the translation process.
Parameters for the translation process are:
- the path of the page to translate
- a
flag whether to translate all pages recursively or only the named page or resource
We define a rollout configuration "Composum AI Autotranslate" that triggers the translation process for the pages that are rolled out with that configuration. This is an additional configuration - to get the pages copied we need e.g. the standard rollout configuration, and then the translation rollout configuration to get the pages transparently translated.
Rollout of a component or re-enabling the inheritance of the component resets that component completely, which would remove the properties we save our translation information in. To avoid that we break inheritance for these properties selectively.
When a re-translation has to be triggered e.g. because of a change in additional instructions, a rollout of a single page will do the job and trigger the rollout configuration. However, as of 7/24, when a rollout is triggered for a page including all subpages in AEMaaCS, only those subpages are rolled out again whose blueprint is changed, so this might not lead to the desired result. For this case, a workflow process TriggerRolloutWorkflowProcess is provided, which can be used to create a workflow that rolls out all subpages again individually, so that all rollout configurations are triggered.
- how to do that best in the background
- is there a way to avoid ordering dependence with other rollout configurations?
- how to view statistics
- configuration?
- is that triggered on initial copying?
The com.composum.ai.aem.core.impl.autotranslate.workflow.TriggerRolloutWorkflowProcess can be used in a workflow to
trigger a rollout to a given page and all subpages from their blueprints. That is, if the corresponding workflow is
triggered on a automatically translated page, it will check this page and all it's subpages whether they are live
copies and, if so, trigger a rollout from the blueprint to this page. It can be used in a workflow by adding a
workflow process step "Composum AI Rollout To Here" with arguments {"recursive":false}
or {"recursive":true}
depending on whether subpages should be rolled out.
There is also a deprecated action com.composum.ai.aem.core.impl.autotranslate.workflow.AutoTranslateWorkflowProcess that can be used to trigger a translation of the page from a workflow. It requires that the page is set up as a live copy of the primary language. This is deprecated in favor of triggering a rollout, if needed by TriggerRolloutWorkflowProcess.
The (normal translation process)[https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/sites/multi-site-management/updating-language-copy.html] uses language copies. Unfortunately, integrating into that process is a bit difficult. The machine translation process in translation connectors is heavily geared towards translating individual texts independently from the translated page. Ultimately this amounts to implementing the method TranslationService.translateArray in the connector, which doesn't even get any information about the current page. Thus, most of the discussed advantages of LLM based translations cannot be materialized. It might be possible to use process for human translations, but that seems somewhat difficult, and augmenting the live copy process with transparent translation might prove to be simpler for the editors in practice.
- https://github.com/Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/aem-translation-framework-bootstrap-connector
- Translation configurations: /libs/settings/cloudconfigs/translation/msft-translation/msft_trial , /libs/settings/cloudconfigs/translation/translationcfg/default_translation /conf/global/settings/cloudconfigs/translation/translationcfg/default_translation
- https://developer.adobe.com/experience-manager/reference-materials/6-5/javadoc/com/adobe/granite/translation/api/TranslationService.html
- http://localhost:4502/conf/global/settings/cloudconfigs/translation/translationcfg/default_translation.html / http://localhost:4502/mnt/overlay/cq/translation/cloudservices/tifeditor.html/libs/settings/cloudconfigs/translation/translationcfg/default_translation
An easy and pretty reliable, though slow, way would be to translate each text in one request. It would likely improve results if the whole page text was given as "background information" for the translation, but that would increase cost several times (which might or might not be a problem).
For full page translation it's likely an advantage to put all text of the page into one request, as that automatically
provides a context for the translation. That needs precise separation of the texts and precise ordering of the
translations in the result. We put separate the texts in the original message with separators like
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 573472 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
containing random numbers, and instruct ChatGPT to include the separators in the translation. (The long % sequences are
still single token sequences in the ChatGPT tokenizer.) As last separator we add 424242 to the end of the message,
allowing easy checking whether the message was translated completely. Too long messages are halved for "divide and
We store both the original text and the translated text verbatim in the component as ai_(propertyName)_original
respectively. That has two advantages:
- It allows easy checking whether the original (source) of the translation has changed, and thus a re-translation is necessary.
- It allows easy checking whether and how the translation has been manually corrected.
To allow later for a "re-translate" dialog that can provide ChatGPT with the previous original text, the text it was translated to, the text it was manually corrected to and the text of the new original text to be translated. That might massively improve the result if an editor has corrected the translation afterwards.
For automatically replacing paths with language copies we follow the same strategy: the original path is stored as
and the translated path as lc_(attributeName)_translated
. Thus we can reinstate the path
automatically if the user clicks on re-enable inheritance.
There are the following states for a property:
- no translation done
- original saved as blueprint and saved translation is as the text.
- inheritance broken, text changed: saved original is as blueprint and saved translation is the old translation.
- if the inheritance is re-enabled, the old translation is reinstated -> 2.
- inheritance intact, original changed but not rolled out, saved original and saved
automatic translation are out of date
- rollout: saved original and saved automatic translation and text are discarded and updated. -> 2.
- original changed but not rolled out, inhertance broken. saved original and saved automatic
translation are out of date, manual changes.
- if the inheritance is re-enabled: synchronize component would normally get the value from blueprint. Right way: differential-translate the blueprint, but takes time. Bad way: roll back to the old translation. -> 2. (We might save the manual changes, though)
- rollout: normally no changes -> also do it this way. (Unclear: start manual process with differential translation?) -> still at 4.
An invariant is that if inheritance is not broken, the saved translation is equal to the text. This is only broken temporarily during a rollout when inheritance is not broken, the text ist reset to the blueprint's state, which has to be fixed during the execution of the translation - either by putting the result of the previous manual translation into the text, or by re-translating the text if the blueprint has changed.
Open point: it's not clear to me when to apply the differential retranslation, nor where the manual translation result should come from.
- During rollout probably nothing should change if inheritance is broken; if not it could be applied but what would be the approved manual translation?
- If the inheritance is re-enabled, the user expects a reset, so the old manual translation is probably not the approved translation. Two thinkable ways:
- Manual process (possibly supported by a workflow)
- Automatically during rollout when inheritance is cancelled - that must be switchable, though.
When there are links within richtext they might need to be rewritten. That is done by the AEM live copy mechanism as well, but it seems safer to take the original text from the blueprint since it's clear that this is the correct source language text in all cases. Thus, we need to replicate the link replacement mechanism.
To avoid having to configure the translation for all properties we use a heuristic to recognize translated properties that is meant to have likely no false positives and few false negatives. Specifically, we check whether the property name is one of jcr:title, jcr:description, title, alt, cq:panelTitle, shortDescription, actionText, accessibilityLabel, pretitle, displayPopupTitle, helpMessage , or alternatively doesn't have a colon in the name, has a String value, doesn't start with /{content,apps,libs,mnt}/ in the value and the value has a whitespace and at least one 4 letter sequence.
If e.g. de
is a live copy of en
then there are several possibilities when a translation is done for a property
of a component.
has the same (english) text asen
- initial state after live copy creation. Source doesn't matter.de
has a different text thanen
but still english. (en
changed after live copy creation.) Unclear.de
was already translated, and the saved source is different than the currenten
source. (Normal case for re-translation.) Likely the source should be the currenten
Since in the third case the intended source is clearly the current en
text and in the other ones it's not clear,
we always take the current en
text (that is, the source of the live copy) as source for the translation for now.
This corresponds to a live copy 'rollout' with integrated translation.
- How well do languages with very different character systems (ja, es, ru, chinese zh, korean ko) work? A translation is performed, looks nicely and when translated back with Deepl the texts make sense, but it'd be interesting how skilled the translation is. Also, that might need additional instructions for the translator to choose the right variant, tone etc. (Simplified chinese might be zh-CN , traditional zh-Hant). We checked with Deepl Translator but that needs a native speaker to judge.
- Currently the translator can be switched on or off, but there is no configuration for whom it is available and no configuration in what content areas it can be used.
- If a manual correction was made and the translation is updated, anyway, the manual correction should be saved for later fixing. It's not quite clear how to collect that information, though.
- For content fragments likely the models have to be translated. That'd need some dedicated process.
- In general - how to deal with i18n of components? (Probably out of scope, but needs discussion.)
- possibl rewrite to use Sling Jobs for the translation, or always use workflows
- If it's a synchronization action - how to check whether it's finished?
- Custom tool: show only conditionally?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMtS8ag6OUE - AEM automatic translation https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/sites/multi-site-management/updating-language-copy.html?lang=en - Workflow when updating a language copy https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-65/content/implementing/developing/extending-aem/extending-workflows/workflows
https://medium.com/@vsr061/create-custom-aem-menu-tools-with-granite-ui-shell-53c56e435f8a - Custom AEM menu tools https://medium.com/@jlanssie/how-to-create-a-custom-tool-in-aem-78d14c1f66d5
Configuration of translation rules in AEM: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/content/headless/translation/translation-rules.html https://developer.adobe.com/experience-manager/reference-materials/cloud-service/javadoc/com/adobe/granite/translation/api/TranslationService.html https://github.com/Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/aem-translation-framework-bootstrap-connector
https://github.com/AdobeDocs/experience-manager-65.en/blob/main/help/sites-administering/msm-best-practices.md etc. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/aem-msm-custom-rollout-action-nurbek-umirov/ https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/content/sites/administering/introduction/msm-sync.html?lang=en
https://medium.com/@jlanssie/translate-entires-websites-in-aem-automatically-with-openai-944875cbfa22 workflow to translate pages. Interesting points: translates text in the for of JSON. https://medium.com/@jlanssie/create-a-custom-workflow-model-in-aem-with-a-full-code-coverage-unit-test-4178b2263b81 https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-65/content/implementing/developing/extending-aem/extending-workflows/workflows
The REST interface needs the following operations. (URL prefix is /apps/composum-ai/components/autotranslate/list) There is a full UI at /apps/composum-ai/components/autotranslate-experiments/list.html that provides all of this but is only enabled if configured in OSGI, and a reduced UI at /apps/composum-ai/components/autotranslate/list.html that offers only operations that don't do much damage - especially rollback is disabled.
- List of translation processes (GET /apps/composum-ai/components/autotranslate/list.html)
- Returns: list of links to the translation run including basic metadata (status), sorted by recency
- HTML: form for start translation + table with 2 columns translation run status (RUNNING, DONE) incl. title with metadata + link
- Start translation process (POST /apps/composum-ai/components/autotranslate/list.create.html)
- Parameters: path of the page to translate, recursive flag. (The language would be determined from the path.)
- Returns: link to a translation run (including an id)
- HTML: redirect to info about translation run
- Information about a translation run (/apps/composum-ai/components/autotranslate/run.html/{id})
- Status (Started, Running, Finished, Cancelled), Start / Stop time, User
- List of pages already translated
- List of pending pages
- HTML: table with status; cancel button (form), table with pages : 2 columns, DONE/PENDING, path with link to editor
- Cancel translation process (POST /apps/composum-ai/components/autotranslate/run.cancel.html/{id})
- (POST) to the translation run with suffix /cancel
- HTML: redirect to list of translation processes
We should follow HATEOAS principles - thus we might not even need an explicit user interface except the REST interface for a start. The responses can contain HTML displayable in the browser, and even HTML forms to trigger actions.
/content//cq:LiveSyncConfig shows the live copies - subnode of jcr:content, e.g.:
<jcr:root xmlns:cq="http://www.day.com/jcr/cq/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0"
Resources that are in a live relationship get a jcr:mixinTypes="[cq:LiveRelationship]"
Cancelled relationship: jcr:mixinTypes="[cq:LiveRelationship,cq:LiveSyncCancelled]"
. The editor seems to use cq:isCancelledForChildren=true only when the
resource has no child resources. For the jcr:content node only property inheritance is cancelled - cancelling the
resource inheritance seems to put the editor into trouble.
Content fragments: there are some in /content/dam/wknd//adventures and /content/dam/wknd//magazine -> for testing contant fragment translation only these folders have to be copied.
- http://localhost:4502/assets.html/content/dam/wknd# : create /content/dam/wknd/de and make live copies of /content/dam/wknd/en/adventures and /content/dam/wknd/en/magazine into that.
- http://localhost:4502/aem/experience-fragments.html/content/experience-fragments create /content/experience-fragments/wknd/language-masters/de as live copy of /content/experience-fragments/wknd/language-masters/en
- http://localhost:4502/sites.html/content/wknd/language-masters create /content/wknd/language-masters/de as live copy of /content/wknd/language-masters/en
-> translate /content/dam/wknd/de , /content/experience-fragments/wknd/language-masters/de and /content/wknd/language-masters/de
apps/msm/composum-ai/rolloutconfigs/composumAiAutotranslate/.content.xml : served by com.composum.ai.aem.core.impl.autotranslate.rollout.AutoTranslateLiveActionImpl
If this is during live copy creation, the translation is put into the queue at AutoTranslateService.startTranslation since live copy relationships are not yet available. If the copy is alread there, the translation is started immediately.
The action is set to handle only jcr:content nodes since it is called for the jcr:content and it's subnodes, and it's difficult to deduplicate that. That has, however, the problem that a rollback of just one component doesn't auto-translate.
- when the translation is called, the duringLiveCopyCreation is now always false.
- throwing an exception in translation rolls back the whole translation - nothing is translated at all.
- Reenabling inheritance on a component with "Synchronize Component after reverting inheritance" calls AutoTranslateLiveActionImpl on the component.
- Reenabling inheritance on a component with "Synchronize Page after reverting inheritance" calls AutoTranslateLiveActionImpl on the page and all subcomponents. -> only component can be distinguished by the not having finished(!) a call for the page in the last seconds.
When a text was translated and then manually corrected, and the original text was changed again, we want to include the manual correction in the new translation. An example how this can be done is the following; load the JSON into https://chatgpttools.stoerr.net/chatgpttools/multiplemessagechat.html for viewing. [{"role":"system","content":"You are tasked as an expert translator to translate texts with utmost fidelity, preserving the original style, tone, sentiment, and all formatting elements (markdown, HTML tags, special characters) to the greatest extent possible.\nIMPORTANT: Only provide the translated text, maintaining all original formatting and non-translatable elements. Avoid any extraneous comments or actions not directly related to the translation."},{"role":"user","content":"Print the original text you have to translate exactly without any comments."},{"role":"assistant","content":"Meet our extraordinary travel guides. When you travel with a certified WKND guide you gain access to attractions and perspectives not found on the pages of a guide book."},{"role":"user","content":"Print this original text translated into German."},{"role":"assistant","content":"Lernen Sie unsere außergewöhnlichen Reiseführer kennen. Wenn Sie mit einem zertifizierten WKND-Reiseleiter unterwegs sind, erhalten Sie Zugang zu Attraktionen und Perspektiven, die nicht auf den Seiten eines Reiseführers zu finden sind."},{"role":"user","content":"Print this original text as it was manually adapted."},{"role":"assistant","content":"Lernen Sie unsere außergewöhnlichen Reiseleiter kennen. Wenn Sie mit einem zertifizierten WKND-Reiseleiter unterwegs sind, erhalten Sie Zugang zu Attraktionen und Perspektiven, die nicht auf den Seiten eines Reiseführers zu finden sind."},{"role":"user","content":"Print the new text that is to be translated."},{"role":"assistant","content":"Meet our extraordinary travel guides. When you travel with a certified WKND guide you gain access to attractions and perspectives not found on the pages of a guide book. Choose the perfect guide for yourself!"},{"role":"user","content":"Translate the new text. Take care to include the manual adaptions for the original text."},{"role":"assistant","content":"Lernen Sie unsere außergewöhnlichen Reiseleiter kennen. Wenn Sie mit einem zertifizierten WKND-Reiseleiter unterwegs sind, erhalten Sie Zugang zu Attraktionen und Perspektiven, die nicht auf den Seiten eines Reiseführers zu finden sind. Wählen Sie den perfekten Reiseleiter für sich!"}]
com.composum.ai.aem.core.impl.autotranslate.AutoPageTranslateService.translateLiveCopy( @Nonnull Resource resource, @Nullable GPTConfiguration configuration, @Nonnull AutoTranslateService.TranslationParameters translationParameters) does the actual translation work. There are however two places where translation parameters come in: the configuration can have additional instructions and can request a model (and the additional instructions are in the end collected into a modified configuration for GPTTranslationServiceImpl.fragmentedTranslation), and translationParameters.additionalInstructions and translationParameters.rules .
There are currently also several places the AutoTranslateCaConfig is read out - we'd better refactor that:
- AutoTranslateWorkflowProcess
- AutoTranslateLiveActionImpl (rollout)
- AutoTranslateListModel (POC UI)
AutoTranslateListModel has to collect request parameters into TranslationParameters; currently has to use a configuration for the model request (can be solved by adding that to TranslationParameters ). AutoTranslateWorkflowProcess uses config for model, reads translation parameters from AutoTranslateCaConfig and config model too. AutoTranslateLiveActionImpl sets some parameters and uses AutoTranslateCaConfig for parameters and config model
-> function of TranslationParameters is to override some values from outside, but we should refactor the AutoTranslateCaConfig reading into AutoPageTranslateService.translateLiveCopy . Remove config parameter and add model parameter to TranslationParameters.
- Implement differential translation
- Tool for creating translations of i18n dictionaries?
- Composum would work quite differently, but that will be an afterthought after a POC for AEM.
- Unclear: how to handle translations if the result of the translation was manually adapted?