See related milestone: https://github.com/isogeo/isogeo-api-py-minsdk/milestone/4?closed=1
- 7042816 Automatically set the locale matching the selected API language (#93) [ #91 ]
- 63f5411 Update Docs to fit version 3.2 (#92)
- b5c573f Add metadata.conditions model and routes - Merge #90
- 5c51da8 handle different licenses input
- 7d830dc testing conditions creation and deletion
- 001ee83 use new conditions methods
- 57ea84c add methods to add and delete a condition from a metadata
- e737581 use tuple instaed of list #77
- b5eef1d add route to return a detailed condition
- f6686a6 remove duplicated lines
See more
- a46a004 add condition model
- 5cb09e2 Merge branch 'master' into licenses-conditions
- 8989211 add routes for conditions
- d5796e3 docstring clean up
- 174136c add conditions list shortcut
- 8c726d5 make helper for datetimes more robust #85
- 6480c53 complete helper for datetimes with format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
- 589bb51 remove codecov upload because not working
- 8010400 update with latest changes
- b6281db minor fix
- af62eee Enforce utils - Merge #89
- b970332 add a fixture for QA group apps
- 820bd41 enforce utils.get_url_base
- 4a4342c Improve Utils adding an API platform guesser - Merge #88
- 7d4482c add helper to guess the API platform - close #87
- 649ab68 renaming helper datetimes and improve doctrsing #85
- f3910f3 apply classmethod decorator on independant methods
- be803ac renaming convert octets method
- 9c513fe helper should handle milliseconds <= 6 digits #85
- e0b2285 Helper to handle different timestamp formats (#86) [ #85 ]
- caf8eea fix missing _created and _modified properties in metadata model (#84)
- ff049d3 improve utils message
- aa5fa7c fix: include was not transmitted during a normal pagination search
- 7857aff add a class method to handle invalid attributes names close #82 - merge #83
- 9787050 add a cl&ss method to handle invalid attributes names close #82
- 32c0cd4 handle cases where it's not possible to get the current event loop
- 8002e74 helper to retrieve title or name with basic option to slug it close #81
- 667827f Improve search and metadata methods - #73
- 53237ef restore tags_as_dicts option
- 62e0eea improve get version method
- 25205fc use lru as minimalist cache and so use tuple instaed of list (unhasable type) #77
- 19bd3a2 use lru cache to increase perfs #77
- ae5eb2c search - auto async requests
- 7adfc8d fix attributes types
- 8154e50 update doc to fit new param name
- cc9b5c3 check total results before make requests to improve eprfs and avoid #38
- 261bb6c add a method to quickly retrieve search context
- a27a3f0 renaming search option whole_share into whole_results
- 7d921ff make error message more verbose
- 9a13635 working on making requests async
- 703d312 increase search coverage
- 56ebed1 rename and fix shares
- 7d68bb4 improve search testing
- 8c22ff8 fix ci because ofa missing slash
- 5617b42 minor fix
- 1665a79 fix forgotten variables retrieval
- 07a7ad5 fix tests adapting them to the latest auth mechanisms
- fd78438 Merge branch 'master' into metadata
- 620d765 Merge #76 - Auth - Handle oAuth2 Client Credentials Grant flow (Backend Application Client)
- c8abe10 apply new env vars names
- b9656bd update env template
- f3c5495 fix tests
- 581879b remove auth import (deleted module)
- d166b43 ci - queue builds
- fa7c082 ci - restore tag condition in publish step
- f64c3c2 Merge branch 'master' into auth
- 00fddf1 Use intersphinx to improve links with other docs
- 158443a add redirect uri to user auth dict
- 210a0d4 add detailed docstring on main class
- e122214 use French as default language (as 99% of clients)
- 1bf1a06 remove latex settings
- 5ae3607 fix docstring
- 342914b fix docstring
- 9782356 remove custom theme for local build
- b9c8e67 use intersphinx to make references to other docs
- 2504841 Merge branch 'master' into docs
- 2959cc2 fix git conflicts
- 4109f25 add authentication with Client Credentials Grant #74
- 4439c95 add new attributes to the loader
- 33f7571 use pathlib.path instead of os.path
- f4e212c cleaning up
- 5c0f11e decorate credentials loader as class method
- f42c42c cleaning up
- 6ba3466 remove code unused code from version 2.x
- 389be07 remove deprecated method
- 0533611 switching package metadata into a dedicated module about
- e3efdbc switch to LGPL3
- a5a54c0 simplify packaging
- e367adc bump python version
- 1fea406 Merge branch 'master' into metadata
- bb64c0a ci fix
- f031041 revamping ci
- 4c36d86 target python 3.7 to code formatting
- a7c87c1 housekeeping dependencies
- 365931d move search method to independant module
- e30f86e fix json examples
- 53e1119 fix docstring indentation
- 09adb3c cleaning docstring for models
This list of changes was auto generated.