Smrtiyan App using Full Stack MERN Project React+Redux, Node, MongoDB, Express Link
- Smrtiyan is a Memories App created by using React+Redux, Node, MongoDB, Express, log in with Email(jwt), Pagination, Search and comment.
- A Full Stack MERN Project in which users can log in and post there day to day memory and share them with friends and close ones.
- The app comes with some special features that enable others to like the friend's memory but they can not delete it, only the creator of the memory can delete the memory from the App.
- The MERN App is Deployed using Heroku and Netlify.
- For more info Please Do visit Web Application Visit
Smritiyan is a social media app to post your memories and those will create their account can also be able to post their memories and other people can also see it.
Smrtiya is a full stack MERN application and there is an application that can be used by many people and, will be able to share their memories with other people and they can like, one of the important features is that who post memories that person and only delete it, other people can see and like the other memory post.
Using React, Node.js, Express & MongoDB you'll learn how to build a Full Stack MERN Application - from start to finish. The App is called "Memories" and it is a simple social media app that allows users to post interesting events that happened in their lives.