It is a simple web application that consist of user authentication and guest login where use can search books from GoodReads and save them in Mongodb database.
- Guest User route implemented
- User Authenticated route implemented
- Mailtrap is configured to send email confirmation message and reset password link
- User can reset the password
- Search books in GoodReads API
- Save books in MongoDb
- Form validations for email & password done
- Create separate link to display all saved books
- Delete books
- Download e-books if free link available
- Rate the books
- Review the books
- Share the books among other app user or share via fb
- categorized book example - Fiction, romantic novel etc
- Advance filter search example search by genre, writer, rating etc
git clone
- Install yarn
- Install and setup MongoDb
- cd into project directory and run
yarn install
- You will need the GeekHub server running which handles api request for saving books and authentication
yarn start
- go to
in the browser
The GeekHub server uses express server to handle API request and response.
Open a Mailtrap account for sending default messages for password reset instruction and email confirmation
git clone
- cd to project directory run
yarn install
- start the mongo service
sudo service mongod start
yarn start
- Login to your account and get the smtp settings
- Edit the .env file of GeekHub-server and set your host, port, username and password to receive the emails
GeekHub: react-router, react-router-dom, semantic-ui-react, semantic-ui-css, validator, prop-types,redux, react-redux, redux-thunk, redux-devtool-extension(development), axios(for api request), gravatar-url
GeekHub-server: babel-cli(development), babel-preset-env(development), express, nodemon (for auto refresh server if changes are made), babel-eslint(development), mongoose, body-parser(for parsing api request body), bcrypt, jsonwebtoken, dotenv, bluebird, mongoose-unique-validator, lodash, nodemailer, jwt-decode, reselect, xml2json, request-promise, normalizr, babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread