This python script will generate Ableton Live API documentation in XML format, based on realtime inspection of the Live module in the remote script runtime. Compatible with Live 12 & higher, on PC or Mac.
Docs for given version are available at correspond with respective Live versions.
To use as a module in a remote script project, go to and download the latest version of the script and move it to the same directory as your remote script. Then, in your project, import the script as a module like import Live
or from Live import *
For releases, see the Build and Release page.
This repository is a fork of NSUSpray/LiveAPI_MakeDoc, which contained the python script for XML documentation generation. Stub generation is based on cylab/AbletonLive-API-Stub
This is unofficial documentation for the Ableton Live API for use in Remote Scripts and Max for Live devices. These files are provided as-is, without any warranty, expressed or implied, including but not limited to fitness for any particular purpose. Do not contact Ableton with questions about this project, but feel free to open an issue on this repository.