Project developed at Back-End Development Module of Trybe's Web Development course. It was approved with 100% of the mandatory and optional requirements met.
The goal was to develop a RESTful API following SOLID principles, and its unit tests.
The application has all basic CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) operations on generic classes, and extended to manipulate different tables on the database.
This project helped me to better understand the potencial of OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), and to make a better use of it.
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Zod
- Express
- Express Async Errors
- TypeScript
- Mocha.js
- Chai.js
- Sinon.js
- OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)
- Docker
- Use Object-Oriented Programming concepts
- Use SOLID principles, such as Single Responsability, Open/Closed, Dependency Inversion, Substitution (Liskov) and Interface Segregation
- Define types and interfaces
- Develop a Express.js application with TypeScript
- Use Mongoose with TypeScript
- Create a RESTful API
- Implement unit tests on MSC (Model-Service-Controller) layers
I plan on documenting the project with Swagger.