This project analyzes the availability and accessibility of green zones in Valencia using spatial data on census tracts and green areas. The focus is on evaluating green space distribution and accessibility
This study utilizes spatial data on census tracts and green zones to conduct a comprehensive analysis of green coverage and its accessibility in Valencia. The following are the key objectives:
- Green Coverage Per Capita: Analyzing the distribution of green spaces per person in each census tract, in accordance with the standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Accessibility Index: Calculating the accessibility to green areas using the 2-Step Floating Catchment Area (2SFCA) method, which accounts for population density, green area sizes, and distances between census tracts and green zones.
- Spatial Analysis: Identify patterns in green zones accesibility index using spatial autocorrelation techniques.
The data used for this project comes from the following sources:
- Census and demographic data: Retrieved from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística.
- Green zones geospatial data: Accessed via the Geo Portal del Ayuntamiento de Valencia through an API.
The findings can be used by urban planners and policymakers to address inequalities in access to green spaces and to implement strategies to improve environmental conditions in densely populated areas. This project also highlights disparities between socioeconomic groups and their access to green spaces, encouraging equitable urban planning practices.