- About me page.
- AI assistant using API.
- Article. Write an article.
- Average number.
- Binary clock.
- Blog.
- Book.
- Browser extension.
- Calculator (as an experiment).
- Calendar.
- Captcha.
- Challenge (100DaysOfCode, CodePen Challenge, etc).
- Characters converter.
- Characters counter.
- Clock.
- Color palette.
- Color picker.
- Coloring book.
- Cookie consent functionality.
- Countdown timer.
- CSS Art.
- CSS buttons.
- Currency converter.
- Data visualization.
- Displaying some structured data.
- Drawing app.
- Drop-down menu.
- Font.
- Guest book.
- Hello World!.
- Icons.
- Keep (for yourself on localhost) - a place to store links, quotes, notes, or posts.
- Language learning app.
- LeetCode (coding practice).
- Login system (authentication system).
- Manual or documentation.
- Microblog like Twitter, Bluesky (for yourself on localhost).
- Navigation menu.
- Notes app.
- Password generator.
- Personal website (homepage).
- Photo gallery.
- Planner app.
- Poll.
- Portfolio.
- Project manager app.
- PWA (Progressive Web App).
- Quote of the day.
- Random background.
- Random color generator.
- Random quote.
- Registration form.
- RSS parser.
- SaaS landing page.
- Search on the site.
- Shape generator.
- Sitemap.
- Sorting items.
- Speech to text (STT).
- Start page (home page or page for new tab).
- Stopwatch.
- Table with sorting.
- Template.
- Terminal style website.
- Tests.
- Text To Speech (TTS).
- Theme for Browser.
- Theme for CMS.
- Timer.
- To-do list.
- Translate the article or translation in a project (contribution).
- Translator (text translation).
- Try site builder, CMS or new tools.
- UI elements.
- Virtual Keyboard.
- Weather app.
- Web desktop (Web OS) style website.
- Website clone.
- Website dark mode or changing themes.
- Website mascot or website assistant (like Clippy).
- Website or page with any topic.
- Website template.
- Website with a collection of something (music, movies, bookmarks, buttons, images etc).
- Writing reviews of books, films, or other.
- Blackjack.
- Car racing.
- Chess.
- Dice game.
- Digital pet or pet simulator (like Tamagotchi).
- Flip a coin.
- Guess the Number.
- Jigsaw puzzles.
- Maze.
- Memory game.
- Obstacle race (like Chrome Dino).
- Ping Pong.
- Quiz.
- Rock paper scissors.
- Simulation games: fishing, farm, etc.
- Snake.
- Spin Wheel.
- Text-based adventure game.
- Tic-Tac-Toe.
- Typing test (WPM).
- This page was built using GitHub
Inspiration, Project ideas, Projects, Project, Project, Ideas, App ideas, 100DaysOfCode