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100 project ideas, and inspiration. A list of ideas for the project.


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100 project ideas, inspiration:

  1. About me page.
  2. AI assistant using API.
  3. Article. Write an article.
  4. Average number.
  5. Binary clock.
  6. Blog.
  7. Book.
  8. Browser extension.
  9. Calculator (as an experiment).
  10. Calendar.
  11. Captcha.
  12. Challenge (100DaysOfCode, CodePen Challenge, etc).
  13. Characters converter.
  14. Characters counter.
  15. Clock.
  16. Color palette.
  17. Color picker.
  18. Coloring book.
  19. Cookie consent functionality.
  20. Countdown timer.
  21. CSS Art.
  22. CSS buttons.
  23. Currency converter.
  24. Data visualization.
  25. Displaying some structured data.
  26. Drawing app.
  27. Drop-down menu.
  28. Font.
  29. Guest book.
  30. Hello World!.
  31. Icons.
  32. Keep (for yourself on localhost) - a place to store links, quotes, notes, or posts.
  33. Language learning app.
  34. LeetCode (coding practice).
  35. Login system (authentication system).
  36. Manual or documentation.
  37. Microblog like Twitter, Bluesky (for yourself on localhost).
  38. Navigation menu.
  39. Notes app.
  40. Password generator.
  41. Personal website (homepage).
  42. Photo gallery.
  43. Planner app.
  44. Poll.
  45. Portfolio.
  46. Project manager app.
  47. PWA (Progressive Web App).
  48. Quote of the day.
  49. Random background.
  50. Random color generator.
  51. Random quote.
  52. Registration form.
  53. RSS parser.
  54. SaaS landing page.
  55. Search on the site.
  56. Shape generator.
  57. Sitemap.
  58. Sorting items.
  59. Speech to text (STT).
  60. Start page (home page or page for new tab).
  61. Stopwatch.
  62. Table with sorting.
  63. Template.
  64. Terminal style website.
  65. Tests.
  66. Text To Speech (TTS).
  67. Theme for Browser.
  68. Theme for CMS.
  69. Timer.
  70. To-do list.
  71. Translate the article or translation in a project (contribution).
  72. Translator (text translation).
  73. Try site builder, CMS or new tools.
  74. UI elements.
  75. Virtual Keyboard.
  76. Weather app.
  77. Web desktop (Web OS) style website.
  78. Website clone.
  79. Website dark mode or changing themes.
  80. Website mascot or website assistant (like Clippy).
  81. Website or page with any topic.
  82. Website template.
  83. Website with a collection of something (music, movies, bookmarks, buttons, images etc).
  84. Writing reviews of books, films, or other.


  1. Blackjack.
  2. Car racing.
  3. Chess.
  4. Dice game.
  5. Digital pet or pet simulator (like Tamagotchi).
  6. Flip a coin.
  7. Guess the Number.
  8. Jigsaw puzzles.
  9. Maze.
  10. Memory game.
  11. Obstacle race (like Chrome Dino).
  12. Ping Pong.
  13. Quiz.
  14. Rock paper scissors.
  15. Simulation games: fishing, farm, etc.
  16. Snake.
  17. Spin Wheel.
  18. Text-based adventure game.
  19. Tic-Tac-Toe.
  20. Typing test (WPM).


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