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Pixel View

A lightweight GUI library for monochrome 128x64 displays to be used with Arduino.


Platform IO

  1. Edit your platform.ini and include the following:
lib_deps =
  1. pio run

Arduino IDE

  1. Download the current ZIP file from github here
  2. Inside the IDE, go to Sketch->Include Library->Add a .ZIP library and select the downloaded zip-file
  3. The Library will be installed and you can include the library in your sketch.

Elements Provided

  1. Keyboard:
  2. Numpad
  3. Radio buttons
  4. Check boxes
  5. Menu
  6. Progress Bars:
  7. Dialog Boxes

Library Documentation

Simple Hello World

#include <pixelView.h>
#include <U8g2lib.h>


void doDelay(int n) {
  // Replace with vTaskDelay if using FreeRTOS

PixelView pv(&u8g2, sendInput, doDelay, u8g2_font_haxrcorp4089_tr);

// A simple function for input management
// 5 button navigation
// This function must return one of the following:
//      - ACTION_UP
//      - ACTION_DOWN
//      - ACTION_LEFT
//      - ACTION_RIGHT
//      - ACTION_SEL

int sendInput() {
  if (digitalRead(BTN_UP))         return ACTION_UP;
  else if (digitalRead(BTN_DOWN))  return ACTION_DOWN;
  else if (digitalRead(BTN_LEFT))  return ACTION_LEFT;
  else if (digitalRead(BTN_RIGHT)) return ACTION_RIGHT;

  if (digitalRead(BTN_SEL) == LOW) return ACTION_SEL;

  return ACTION_NONE;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  pv.showMessage("Hello World!!");


PixelView is a library designed for 128x64 monochrome OLED displays. It provides various UI elements such as keyboards, menus, progress bars, and more.

Classes and Methods

PixelView Class

This is the main class that handles rendering and input for UI components.


PixelView(U8G2 *display, function<int(void)> inputFunction, function<void(int)> delayer, const uint8_t font[] = u8g2_font_6x12_tr);
  • display: Pointer to a U8G2 object.
  • inputFunction: Function that returns any action.
  • delayer: Function that delays execution for n milliseconds.
  • font: Default font used for rendering (optional).


void wordWrap(int xloc, int yloc, const char *text, bool maintainX = false)
  • xloc: X-coordinate to start the text.
  • yloc: Y-coordinate to start the text.
  • text: The text to be rendered.
  • maintainX: If true, the X location remains unchanged between lines.

This method renders text with word wrapping. Set the font before calling the function

bool confirmYN(const char *message = "Confirm?", bool defaultOption = false)
  • message: The message displayed above the buttons (optional).
  • defaultOption: The default selected option (false for "No", true for "Yes").

Displays a dialog box with "Yes" and "No" options and returns the selected option.

void showMessage(const char *message)
  • message: The message to be displayed.

Displays a dialog box with a single "Yes" button.

Keyboard Class

A Gboard-like keyboard for OLEDs.



Keyboard(PixelView &pixelView);
  • pixelView: Reference to the PixelView object.


String fullKeyboard(const String &message = "", bool isEmptyAllowed = false, const String &defaultText = "")
  • message: Optional message to be displayed on the screen.
  • isEmptyAllowed: Whether empty input is allowed (true for allowed, false otherwise).
  • defaultText: The default text displayed on the keyboard.

Displays a full keyboard for input and returns the entered text.


String numPad(const char *defaultText, bool isEmptyAllowed)
  • defaultText: Default text to be displayed.
  • isEmptyAllowed: Whether empty input is allowed.

Displays a numeric keypad for input.

Pager Class

Creates a paged view that cycles through different "pages".


Pager(int numFuncs, std::function<void(U8G2, std::function<int(void)>)> *displayFunctions, const int indicatorType = PAGE_DOT_NAV);
  • numFuncs: The number of pages.
  • displayFunctions: Array of functions that render each page.
  • indicatorType: The type of page indicator (e.g., dots or arrows).


void render()

Renders the current page and handles input.

Menu System

The library includes three types of menus: one with icons, one without icons, and one with just icons.

Icon Menu

menuItem menu(menuItem items[], unsigned int numItems)

  • items: Array of menuItem objects.
  • numItems: Number of items in the menu.

Displays a menu with icons and returns the selected menuItem. Use menuItem::name to get the selected item's name


const char *subMenu(const char *header, const char *items[], unsigned int numItems)

  • header: Header text displayed at the top of the menu.
  • items: Array of menu items.
  • numItems: Number of items in the menu.

Displays a submenu without icons and returns the selected item. Here is the portion for the gridMenu:

![Gridmenu] (images/gridMenu.jpg)

menuItem gridMenu(menuItem items[], const unsigned int numItems, const unsigned int rowSize)

  • items: Array of menuItem objects.
  • numItems: Number of items in the menu.
  • rowSize: Number of items displayed per row.

Displays a grid menu with icons and returns the selected menuItem.


Radio buttons

const char *radioSelect(const char *header, const char *items[], const unsigned int numItems)

  • header: String displayed with a highlight.
  • items: Array of item strings.
  • numItems: Number of items.

Displays a list of radio buttons and returns the selected option.


Check boxes

void checkBoxes(const char *header, checkBox items[], const unsigned int numItems)

  • header: The string displayed with a highlight.
  • items: Array of checkBox objects.
  • numItems: Number of items.

Displays a list of checkboxes for the user to select.

List Browser

void listBrowser(const char *header, const unsigned char iconBitmap[], const char *items[], unsigned int numItems, int displayType = LIST_NUMBER)

  • header: Title displayed above the list.
  • iconBitmap: A 16x16 icon (use NULL for no icon).
  • items: Array of items to display.
  • numItems: Number of items in the list.
  • displayType: Display style (numbers, bullets, or none).

Displays a scrollable list of items.

Progress Bars

Progress bar

void progressBar(int progress, const char *header, const unsigned char *bitmap[] = NULL)

  • progress: The current progress value.
  • header: Optional header text displayed above the progress bar.
  • bitmap: Optional bitmap (16x16) displayed next to the header.

Displays a horizontal progress bar.

Circular Loading

void progressCircle(int frame)

  • frame: The current frame in the circular progress animation.

Displays a circular loading animation.


A bloat free GUI library for 128x64 OLED displays






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