This repository contains a modified driver for the DHT22 / AM2302 temperature and humidity sensors on Raspberry Pi.
Based on dht11.c: (license unknown). Forked from the repository Requires wiringPi library.
This version was created to make slight improvements which allow for a more reliable and faster reading with fewer delays.
sudo make install
Due to file locking and other aspects, super user access is required.
sudo kdht
- Output temperature displayed in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.
- Faster read time than previous revisions.
- Identifies some invalid readings - out of range values ignored and confirmation when inconsistent values read.
- Lock files no longer prevent simultaneous reads to different pins.
sudo ./kdht 28 10
Reading DHT21/22 sensor on GPIO 28
10 attempts will be made.
Humidity = 62.10 % Temperature = 23.80 *C (74.84 *F)
As with previous licence: Public domain. Do what you want. No warranties.