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What is p2py

It's a simple peer to peer networking library based on Chord made for IPDS project.

The goal of this project is to create a extraordinarly simple to use yet powerfull peer to peer networking library for Python. It's created for IPDS project but can be used by everyone with ease.

Why p2py?

That's why:

  • It's plug-and-play,
  • It's easy to use,
  • It's customizable


P2py is packed with many usefull features that will help you build your p2p app faster:

  • TCP Hole Punching
  • Chord routing system (So you can connect to other node jus using it's numeric ID)
  • Temporary / constant connections
  • Sending any type of data (that can be represented in bytes)
  • Messages
  • Requests (p2py's experimental approach that will save you some time)
  • Built-in text message type
  • Tools for defining and handling your own message types


Install with pip using the command:

$ pip install p2py

Simple examples

Joining the network and sending text message

Node B joins the network of Node A

Node A ( UUID 0

import p2py, time

node = p2py.Node(4444) #Create a node listening on port 4444
node.start() #Start the node

while True: #Wait forever
#Listening on
#( -> "Hi!"

Node B ( UUID 1

import p2py, time

node = p2py.Node(4445) #Create a node listening on port 4444
node.start() #Start the node

node.join_network((('', 4444))) #Join the network of Node A
while not node.joined(): #Wait until the node joins the network

msg = {	#Construct a message
    'type' : 'text',
    'data' : "Hi!"
node.send_to_UUID(UUID=0, msg=msg) #Send a message to Node A
#Listening on
#Successfully joined the network! Your UUID is 1
#Sent message to UUID 0

Define custom request type and send request

In this example I will define a custom request type thet will add 1 to a requested number and return the result bact to requesting peer.

Node A (

import p2py, time

node = p2py.Node(4444) #Create a node listening on port 4444

def handle_add(node, conn, request): #Define a handler
	n = request.contents['data'] #Get data from request
	n_plus_one = n + 1 #Process the data
	resp = { #Construct a response
        'type' : 'ADD RESP',
        'data' : n_plus_one
	request.respond(resp)  #Respond

node.add_handler("ADD", handle_add) #Assign the handler to "ADD" message type

node.start() #Start the node

while True: #Wait forever
#Listening on

Node B (

import p2py, time

node = p2py.Node(4445) #Create a node listening on port 4444
node.start() #Start the node

node.join_network((('', 4444))) #Join the network of Node A
while not node.joined(): #Wait until the node joins the network

msg = {	#Construct a request
    'type' : 'ADD',
    'data' : 17
resp = node.request(UUID=0, request_msg=msg) #Send a request to Node A and receive response
result = resp['data']
print(f"17 + 1 = {result}")

#Listening on
#Successfully joined the network! Your UUID is 1
#Sent message to UUID 0
#17 + 1 = 18


This is documentation of some high level functions (there is a lot more)

p2py.Node(port, host[opt])

Creates node object. It will listen for connections on specified port [int]. If host [str] was not specified it will run on localhost (


example_node = Node(4444)



Connects node to network of peer which address_list [tuple] was given. Argument address_list is a list of 2-tuples of host (str) and port (int): (HOST [str], PORT [int]).


example_node.connect_to_network([('', 1234)])
Node.send_to_UUID(UUID, message)

Creates a temporary connection with UUID [Int] (that means it will be closed after sending the message) and sends message [dict].

Message is a JSON dict it this form:

    'type' : MESSAGE_TYPE,
    'data' : MESSAGE_DATA


message = {
    'type' : 'TEXT',
    'data' : 'Hello!'
example_node.send_to_UUID(7, message)
#sends hello to UUID 7
Node.send_to_address(address, message)

Creates a temporary connection with address [2-tuple] (that means it will be closed after sending the message) and sends message [dict].


message = {
    'type' : 'TEXT',
    'data' : 'Hello!'
example_node.send_to_address(('', 1234), message)
#sends hello to
Node.send_to_connection(connection, message)

Sends message [dict] to connection[Connection]**.


message = {
    'type' : 'TEXT',
    'data' : 'Hello!'
conn = get_connection_object() #this is a pseudo function. Don't try it as it doesnt exist
example_node.send_to_connection(conn, message)
#sends hello to conn
Node.request(UUID[opt], address[opt], connection[opt], request_msg)

Sends request [Request] to UUID[Int]** OR address[2-tuple]** OR connection[Connection]** (at least one has to be specified). It returns dict as a response or NoneType if there is no response.

The requested node receives Request object. You can learn about handling requests in this section


request = {
    'type' : 'ADD',
    'data' : 17

resp = example_node.request(UUID=7, request_msg=request)
print(f"17 + 1 = {resp['data']}")
Node.send_to_peer_book(message, exclude [opt])

Sends message [dict] to all peers in your peer book optionally excluding UUIDs[Int] in exclude [List]


message = {
    'type' : 'TEXT',
    'data' : 'Hello peer book!'
#sends "Hello peer book!" to peer book

Closes all connections. It's synonymous to leaving the network


#left the network
Node.add_handler(message_type[str], handler[func])

Defines a handler for a given message_type. It takes 2 arguments: message_type and handler function.

Handler function has to take 3 arguments:

  • node - a pointer to the local node,
  • conn - Connection object from which the request was sent,
  • request - Request object sent by requesting node.


def some_function(node, conn, request):
	#do something

node.add_handler("some type", some_function)


Node.UUID [Int]

This variable holds node's UUID. It's set to None when node is not connected to any network.


Node.network_size [Int]

This variable holds info about the number of peers in the network Node is connected to



p2py.Request(callback_address, contents)

Creates request object


Sends the response to the requester.


msg = {
    'type' : 'SOME RESP',
    'data' : 'some data'

Request.bounce(address[opt], UUID[opt])

Sends the requests to another node specified by either address OR UUID.

The request will be processed by another peer but the response will be sent to the same requester.


#Oh no! I can't answer the request. Maybe UUID 7 knows the answer


Message types

There are many types of messages that do different things. These are some high-level ones:

type TEXT

message = {
    'type' : 'TEXT',
    'data' : text_message