今天(2015.2.4)的目標為串接四軸飛行器所需使用到的 Block。而此篇文章為三軸陀螺儀(Grove - 3-Axis Digital Gyro) Block 的使用方法,首先讓大家看一下陀螺儀的外貌,如下圖
這次的 Block 整合是要將陀螺儀的 Sensor Data 推送至 WebSocket。
首先第一步,我們透過 ARM mbed LPC 1768 版子將三軸陀螺儀(Grove - 3-Axis Digital Gyro)與Wify模組串接起,如下圖:
- Websocket channel server 服務,本書將使用 sockets.mbed.org
- ARM mbed 的 Websocket client 實作
- ARM mbed 與 Grove - 3-Axis Digital Gyro 實作
#include "mbed.h"
#include "WiflyInterface.h"
#include "Websocket.h"
#include "ITG3200.h"
/* wifly interface:
* - p9 and p10 are for the serial communication
* - p19 is for the reset pin
* - p26 is for the connection status
* - "mbed" is the ssid of the network
* - "password" is the password
* - WPA is the security
WiflyInterface wifly(p13, p14, p19, p26, "WWNet", "mmmmmmmm", WPA);
DigitalOut led1(LED1);
ITG3200 gyro(p9, p10, 0x68);
int main() {
wifly.init(); //Use DHCP
while (!wifly.connect());
printf("IP Address is %s\n\r", wifly.getIPAddress());
Websocket ws("ws://sockets.mbed.org/ws/mbedschool/viewer");
//Websocket ws("ws://");
while (!ws.connect());
int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, temp = 0;
//Set highest bandwidth.
while (1) {
char data[256];
x = gyro.getGyroX();
y = gyro.getGyroY();
z = gyro.getGyroZ();
temp = gyro.getTemperature();
printf("Temp: %d, X: %d, Y: %d, Z: %d\n", temp, x, y, z);
sprintf( data , "Temp: %d, X: %d, Y: %d, Z: %d\n", temp, x, y, z );