WebAssembly components
AWS Lambda
with the
Compile and launch a local instance of a Lambda function running the demo component that calculates the prime factors of a number:
make demo
In a second terminal window, call the Lambda function:
cargo lambda invoke runtime --data-ascii '{"number": 1237789}'
This returns the prime factors of the number:
To clean up, remove all generated build artifacts with:
make clean
The AWS Lambda Wasm runtime expects a component with the following interface:
interface lambda {
record event {
// ...
record response {
// ...
handler: func(event: event) -> response;
See the section
Getting Started
in the cargo component
README for instructions on how to create a component from scratch,
or refer to the example in the demo-component directory in this repository.
Build the component with
cargo component build --release
to create a Wasm component under target/wasm32-wasip1/release.
In runtime/Cargo.toml, set the component_world
key in [package.metadata]
to the path to the Wasm component's *.wit file.
Then, from within the runtime directory, compile the runtime:
cargo lambda build --release --compiler cargo # Linux x86_64
cargo lambda build --release # all other platforms (cross-compiles with Zig)
This generates the target/lambda/release/bootstrap binary required by AWS Lambda.
For testing, set the _HANDLER
environment variable
to the relative path to the compiled Wasm component
and launch a local Lambda function instance:
export _HANDLER="../demo-component/target/wasm32-wasip1/release/function.wasm"
cargo lambda watch
To call the Lambda function, use cargo lambda invoke
replacing --data-ascii
with a valid input payload:
cargo lambda invoke runtime --data-ascii '{"number": 123}'
To create a ZIP package for deployment to AWS Lambda,
combine the bootstrap
binary with the Wasm component:
zip -j runtime/target/lambda/release/bootstrap demo-component/target/wasm32-wasip1/release/function.wasm
Upload the ZIP package to AWS Lambda via the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI:
aws lambda create-function \
--function-name my-function \
--zip-file fileb:// \
--handler function.wasm \ # full file name of the Wasm component
--runtime provided.al2023 \
--role arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/lambda-role # replace with valid execution role
You can also package the runtime as a Lambda layer and only include the component in the ZIP archive. Note that a runtime is specific to a particular component interface.