Releases: ioaiaaii/
Releases · ioaiaaii/
v1.2.1 - 2024-12-19
✨ Features
- website: switch to white bg
- website homepage: replace bg image with v2
🛠️ Chores
- deploy: bump chart appversion
- go: update modules for security issues
- website data: minor improvements on cv
Pull Requests
v1.2.0 - 2024-12-18
✨ Features
- webpage navigation: split profile into two categories
🛠️ Chores
- composer view: improve info styling
- deploy: bump chart appversion
- entity: split collabs and selecter works
- vue: upgrade for security issues
- webpage contact: clean and simple
- webpage home: clean and simple
- webpage projects: minor styling improvements
- website data: update professional and musical profiles
Pull Requests
- Merge pull request #48 from ioaiaaii/chore/text-improvements
v1.1.10 - 2024-12-02
👷 Continuous Integration
- add dive build analysis
🛠️ Chores
- deploy: bump chart appversion
- repo-operator: move to non-local
- website: mockups improvements
Pull Requests
v1.1.9 - 2024-11-26
♻️ Code Refactoring
- persistence: minor naming
- transport: tbd
✨ Features
- api: enable otel
- api: introduce config package
- deploy: add rate limiting
- deploy: support otel in env
- telemetry: introduce otel instrumentation
- transport: use otel-fiber middleware for instrumentation
🐛 Bug Fixes
- web: mozila bug with w-full on img tag
👷 Continuous Integration
- add local otel target
- otel: add local otel config
🛠️ Chores
- go mod tidy and vendor
- deploy: bump chart appversion
- deploy: chart update
- transport: do not instrument health routes
- web: minor styling improvmenets
- web: introduce Metrics Instrumentation with OTEL
- web: minor display improvements
Pull Requests
- Merge pull request #43 from ioaiaaii/feat/fontend-otel-instrumentation
v1.1.8 - 2024-11-17
🛠️ Chores
- deploy: bump chart appversion
- iac: upload webp images
- web: migrate live to webp image
- web: migrate to webp image
- web: transparent home menu bar
- web: apply default bg color
- web: remove redundunt info
- web: remove gh profile from contancts
Pull Requests
- Merge pull request #42 from ioaiaaii/chore/switch-to-webp-images
v1.1.7 - 2024-11-15
🐛 Bug Fixes
- website: image path for dec-pdc
🛠️ Chores
- deploy: bump chart appversion
- iac: module update with new images