List all expect a pattern: e.g. list all files in dir but not md files
find . -type f ! -name "*.md
Find files with specific type, containing a pattern
e.g. get all yml
files, containing networks 10.168
and 10.99
find . -type f -name "*.yml" -maxdepth 1 \
-exec grep -q 10.168 {} \; -a \
-exec grep -q 10.99 {} \; -a -print
Find all files here containing a specific string, and replace it.
e.g. get all files recursively containing a port 6379
and replace it with 6399
find . -type f \
-exec grep -r ' 6379' {} ';' \
-exec sed -i '' 's/ 6379/ 6389/g' {} +
Iterate over an array and exec e.g. get the list of conf files, for every file print the filename and the content
t=($(ls *.conf)) && for i in "${t[@]}";do echo $i && cat $i ;done
Find number of files per dir e.g. find and print recursively the current number of files per dir
for i in `ls -1A`; do echo "`find $i | sort -u | wc -l` $i"; done | sort -rn | head -5
Iterate over two files
e.g for each line containing the hostname of hostname_list_online
, find in the list hostname_list_all
and print it.
while read j; do [ -z "$(grep -w $j hostname_list_all)" ] && echo $j ; done < hostname_list_online
Iterate over multiple files, arrays and exec commands
e.g. refresh ex
and tempfile
files, sort tt
to tempfile
, crete tm
with a specific format`.
create an array with all lines , sort and clean it.
crete the new ex
file, and remove each line of ex
file, from tempfile
> ex | > tempfile | sort -r -V tt > tempfile && \
tm=($(cat tempfile | awk -F ".v" '{print $1}')) && \
ttt=($(echo "${tm[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ')) && \
for i in "${ttt[@]}";do grep $i tempfile | head -n2 >> ex;done && \
while read j; do sed -i "/$j/d" tempfile; done < ex
Get sum of RSS Memory
ps aux | awk '{x +=$6} END {print x/1024}'
Get annotation info for specific kind in all namespaces e.g. get value of ingress.class for all ingresses
kubectl get ing -A -o json | jq '.items[] | .metadata.annotations[""]'
Actions against specific kind, based on condition. e.g. get pods with restarts > 10, delete them
pods=($(kubectl get pods -A | awk '{if($5>10)print $1","$2}' | sed 1d)) && for i in "${pods[@]}";do ns=$(echo $i | awk -F "," '{print $1}') && pod=$(echo $i | awk -F "," '{print $2}') && echo "Deleting: NAMESPACE $ns" POD $pod && kubectl -n $ns delete pod $pod && sleep 3;done
Run a local script with variables, as sudo on remote servers.
I. Create the script in a file
nc -v $1 22
II. Run the script against a list of servers.
ips=($(get ips from somewhere| awk -F '|' '{print $5}' | grep -v "Private IP"))
for i in "${ips[@]}"
ssh -i /path_to/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $USERNAME@$i " echo $MYCOMMAND | base64 -d | sudo bash "
Get a pid and kill it e.g., get the PID of an SSH tunnel in the 8888 port and kill it
ps aux | awk '/ssh/ && /8888:localhost:8888/ && !/awk/ { print $2 }' | xargs kill