You can build the source with ghc --make main
Then try ./main
In recursive language, identifiers are anything other than brackets, keywords, numbers, or booleans. Alphabet checking is no more used, so symbols can now be identifiers as well.
import Data.List
import System.IO
import qualified Data.Map as Map
Expressible values now include functions Procv
. These take as input,
their lexical environment, formals (as identifers), and body. The recursive
functions are treated specially here Recuv
. They additionally take as
input (second) the binding environment, which is not circular (yet).
data Value =
Numv Float |
Boolv Bool |
Procv Env [Ast] Ast |
Recuv Env Env [Ast] Ast
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Value where
show (Numv x) = show x
show (Boolv x) = show x
show (Procv _ _ _) = "#<procedure>"
show (Recuv _ _ _ _) = "#<procedure>"
instance Num Value where
(Numv x) + (Numv y) = Numv $ x + y
(Numv x) * (Numv y) = Numv $ x * y
abs (Numv x) = Numv $ abs x
signum (Numv x) = Numv $ signum x
fromInteger x = Numv $ fromInteger x
negate (Numv x) = Numv $ negate x
instance Fractional Value where
(Numv x) / (Numv y) = Numv $ x / y
fromRational x = Numv $ fromRational x
The AST now additionally includes primitive functions, such as zero?
which are no more keywords, but predefined identifers. The Primv
acts as the **body** of a procedure Procv
and takes as input the
string name of the primitive function it represents. The AST evaluator
then based on the string, performs the desired primitive operation.
The Function
node takes as input the formals and body. Function
application Apply
takes an expression and the parameters. Since
defines a number if recursive procedures, it takes an list
of identifiers, formals, and bodies. Finally, the if
keyword is
renamed to ifte
Numa Float |
Boola Bool |
Ida String |
Primv String |
Ifte Ast Ast Ast |
Assume [(Ast, Ast)] Ast |
Function [Ast] Ast |
Recfun [(Ast, [Ast], Ast)] Ast |
Apply Ast [Ast]
The environment, as before, is simply a String
to Value
type Env = Map.Map String Value
The main
function as before provides the REPL. It simply accepts a line
and shows the output Value
of run
function. Use an empty (null) line to
main = do
putStr "recursive: "
hFlush stdout
exp <- getLine
if null exp
then return ()
else do
putStrLn (show . run $ exp)
The run function now simply parses and evaluates a string with an environment
populated with primitive procedures. Each primitive procedure takes as input
formals x
and optionally y
run :: String -> Value
run = (eval $ Map.fromList def) . parse
where def = map f ops
f s = (s, Procv m fs $ Primv s)
ops = ["+", "*", "-", "/", "=", "&", "|", "~", "zero?"]
fs = [Ida "x", Ida "y"]
m = Map.empty
The eval
function now pattern matches against Primv
for primitive bodies.
Each primitive function “gets” its formals from its environment. Same is true
for custom functions. As before, Assume
is executing the body in a new
environment, which is a union of bindings (from elaborate
) and the current
A Function
simply evaluates to a procedure, which is an expressible value.
Now, lets see what happens with a recursive function Recfun
. A Recfun
an array of procedures along with an expression (like assume). Each procedure
is a combination of label, formals, and function body. Note that the labels
enable us to call the function within itself. The collection of procedures is
a necessary feature as it enables to define recursive functions calling each
I wanted to convert these procedures to pairs of labels and functions, so i
could use the elaborate
. The environment returned by elaborate
mapping of labels to procedures Procv
. The recurse
function then
translates these plain procedures to recursive procedures Recuv
, which
most importantly contains the additional bindings environment returned by
. This is utilized during Apply
of a function executes the function body in a new environment, which
is the union of the lexical and the formal environment. The function to be
executed is itself obtained from the evaluation of first expression. Similarly,
to obtain the formals environment, the parameters are evaluated.
For recursive functions, an additional thing is done. They are converted to plain
procedures with the new lexical environment being the union of the lexical and
bindings environment of the recursive function. Also, in preparation of a future
recursive call, the bindings environment has its plain procedures changed to
recursive ones. So, instead of preparing the environment right on lookup (as done
in class), here we do it one step ahead in apply, that allows us to use the same
simple lookup, and environment; but shifts the complexity to Apply
eval :: Env -> Ast -> Value
eval _ (Numa x) = Numv x
eval _ (Boola x) = Boolv x
eval m (Ida x) = get m x
eval m (Primv "+") = (get m "x") + (get m "y")
eval m (Primv "*") = (get m "x") * (get m "y")
eval m (Primv "-") = (get m "x") - (get m "y")
eval m (Primv "/") = (get m "x") / (get m "y")
eval m (Primv "=") = Boolv $ get m "x" == get m "y"
eval m (Primv "&") = Boolv $ get m "x" == Boolv True && get m "y" == Boolv True
eval m (Primv "|") = Boolv $ get m "x" == Boolv True || get m "y" == Boolv True
eval m (Primv "~") = Boolv $ if get m "x" == Boolv True then False else True
eval m (Primv "zero?") = Boolv $ get m "x" == Numv 0
eval m (Ifte c t e) = if eval m c == Boolv True then eval m t else eval m e
eval m (Assume bs x) = eval m' x
where m' = Map.union mb m
mb = elaborate m bs
eval m (Function fs b) = Procv m fs b
eval m (Recfun ps x) = eval m' x
where m' = Map.union mb m
mb = recurse . elaborate m . map f $ ps
f (l, fs, b) = (l, Function fs b)
eval m (Apply x ps) = eval m' b
where m' = Map.union mf ml
mf = elaborate m $ zip fs ps
(Procv ml fs b) = unrecurse $ eval m x
Here are the unrecurse
, recurse
, elaborate
unrecurse :: Value -> Value
unrecurse (Recuv m mb fs b) = Procv m' fs b
where m' = Map.union (recurse mb) m
unrecurse v = v
recurse :: Env -> Env
recurse mb = f mb
where f (Procv m fs b) = Recuv m mb fs b
f x = x
elaborate :: Env -> [(Ast, Ast)] -> Env
elaborate m = Map.fromList . map f
where f (Ida x, e) = (x, eval m e)
The get
does a lookup on the environment.
get :: Env -> String -> Value
get m id = case v of
(Just x) -> x
Nothing -> error $ "id " ++ id ++ " not set!"
where v = Map.lookup id m
As before, i wanted to depend upon the read
function to generate the AST.
Keywords like Assume
, Function
, Recfun
, and Apply
make it necessary
to use a sort of hierarchical bracket tree. This is because some brackets
need to be converted to tuples, some to lists, and dont forget the commas.
All alterations are performed upon the bracket tree. Finally, the bracket
tree is converted to a string which can then be directly parsed through
Also we dont distinguish between square and round brackets, just like in racket, so square brackets are simply replaced with round brackets.
parse :: String -> Ast
parse s = (read . unwords . unpack . alter . Bnode "" . pack . words $ bpad) :: Ast
where bpad = replace "(" " ( " . replace ")" " ) " . replace "[" "(" . replace "]" ")" $ s
Here is the alteration strategy.
alter :: Btree -> Btree
alter (Bnode _ (Bleaf "ifte":ns)) = (Bnode "(" (Bleaf "Ifte":ns'))
where ns' = map alter ns
alter (Bnode _ (Bleaf "assume":Bnode _ bs:e)) = (Bnode "(" (Bleaf "Assume":Bnode "[" bs':e'))
where e' = map alter e
bs' = intersperse c . map pair $ bs
pair (Bnode _ xv) = Bnode "(" . intersperse c . map alter $ xv
c = Bleaf ","
alter (Bnode _ (Bleaf "function":Bnode _ fs:b)) = (Bnode "(" (Bleaf "Function":Bnode "[" fs':b'))
where b' = map alter b
fs' = intersperse c . map alter $ fs
c = Bleaf ","
alter (Bnode _ (Bleaf "recfun":Bnode _ ps:e)) = (Bnode "(" (Bleaf "Recfun":Bnode "[" ps':e'))
where e' = map alter e
ps' = intersperse c . map proc $ ps
proc (Bnode _ (l:Bnode _ fs:b)) = Bnode "(" . intersperse c $ l':(Bnode "[" fs'):b'
where (l', b') = (alter l, map alter b)
fs' = intersperse c . map alter $ fs
c = Bleaf ","
alter (Bnode _ (Bleaf "@":e:ps)) = (Bnode "(" (Bleaf "Apply":e':ps'))
where e' = alter e
ps' = [Bnode "[" . intersperse c . map alter $ ps]
c = Bleaf ","
alter (Bnode "(" ns) = alter $ Bnode "(" $ Bleaf "@":ns
alter (Bnode b ns) = Bnode b $ map alter ns
alter (Bleaf w) = Bleaf $ case w of
| isFloat w -> "(Numa " ++ w ++ ")"
| isBool w -> "(Boola " ++ w ++ ")"
| otherwise -> "(Ida \"" ++ w ++ "\")"
Here are bracket tree functions, for converting words to bracket trees and vice versa.
data Btree =
Bnode String [Btree] |
Bleaf String
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
unpack :: Btree -> [String]
unpack (Bleaf w) = [w]
unpack (Bnode b ns) = b : (foldr (++) [b'] $ map unpack ns)
where b' = if b == "[" then "]" else (if b == "(" then ")" else "")
pack :: [String] -> [Btree]
pack [] = []
pack all@(w:ws)
| isClose = []
| isOpen = node : pack ws'
| otherwise = Bleaf w : pack ws
where isOpen = w == "[" || w == "("
isClose = w == "]" || w == ")"
node = Bnode w $ pack ws
ws' = drop (area node) all
win = pack ws
area :: Btree -> Int
area (Bleaf _) = 1
area (Bnode _ ns) = foldr (+) 2 $ map area ns
And, here are a few utility functions we are using.
replace :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
replace _ _ [] = []
replace from to all@(x:xs)
| from `isPrefixOf` all = to ++ (replace from to . drop (length from) $ all)
| otherwise = x : replace from to xs
isFloat :: String -> Bool
isFloat s = case (reads s) :: [(Float, String)] of
[(_, "")] -> True
_ -> False
isBool :: String -> Bool
isBool s = case (reads s) :: [(Bool, String)] of
[(_, "")] -> True
_ -> False