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@github-actions github-actions released this 21 Nov 19:40
· 463 commits to main since this release


a7b9768 .gitignore
f7b4c9e Adapter Find accepts where clauses
844c1de Adapter update method
c8c43d0 Adapter update method
c3f3265 Adapters can generate SHA1 for a directory of .txt files (#16)
a8170cd Add colors
cd61a03 Add directory checksums to help disambiguate FVs where only file metadata has changed (#17)
155d1da Add end of file newline
0f8ba3a Additional DMFR fixes (#21)
1b722c4 Additional error checking; use log.Debug not fmt.Print
fba4ec4 Additional properties from DMFR schema
b637c0b Addl error returns and Close methods
cc7885b Break into graph/extract, move to internal API for now, remove old markers
71e5c36 CSV writer optimizations
404ea11 CalendarDates should check if ServiceID is marked
d7af4e5 Children / tests
4a2210d Comments, sqlx vs. sql
bd3cf6b Common methods
9f0bd68 Config
eeed345 Continued work on simplifying/improving db handling
3b51c3d Convert hstores to jsonb
75b96c9 Create FeedVersions
7e5b372 Create Services from a Reader
a2faf9e Create and update FeedState records (#22)
e06f186 DMFR Fetch improvements
3515767 DMFR WIP
2fc73dc DMFR command and improvements (#9)
d0a8ac9 Debugging text
8a28170 Delete README
a33d5a5 Do additional checks to avoid error messages during UpdateKeys
e5554b1 Do not include full filename when creating fv
6b51f1d Embed schemas
cebbd15 Etc
b7cd819 Expanded DMFR Feed model
7374d41 Extract test feed
69fbb29 Feed Fetch
cba6866 Finish removing gorm
4925bc2 Fix
eaeebcb Fix benchmarks (#28)
e07c188 Fixes and tests
f077e6e Further test improvements
e0d5955 Generic GetString
70368d6 GitHub Actions, Goreleaser (#15)
2fcb7de Github Actions: combine the test and release workflows (#24)
f56f89c Handle -1 arrival_time
c2b9187 Homebrew formula (#23)
7300ec9 Ignore test.db
f94bb4a Improve missing value handling
2bcdee2 Improved timestmap handling
c2bce59 Initial commit
fd49df1 Initial commit
b75923c Initial extract support
72fabf3 Insert improvements
b9fc03f IsMarked, IsVisited
227d669 Map route types back to primitives
14c4fb7 Merge branch 'master' into dmfr-additions
0f527c4 Merge branch 'master' into dmfr-additions
0ef5b49 Merge branch 'master' into dmfr-additions
731321d Merge branch 'master' into extract-command
60f55dc Merge branch 'master' into readme-additions
9cfca78 Merge branch 'master' into release-cutting
794c38f Merge pull request #1 from interline-io/release-cutting
cf8ecb1 Merge pull request #10 from interline-io/csv-improvements
dc70183 Merge pull request #11 from interline-io/test-tidy
4f79d87 Merge pull request #13 from interline-io/adapter-db-ext
9fda671 Merge pull request #2 from interline-io/extract-command
3c510fa Merge pull request #4 from interline-io/zip-writer2
6672e89 Merge pull request #5 from interline-io/extract-set-filter
705f00f Merge pull request #6 from interline-io/dmfr-additions
2632cb5 Merge pull request #7 from interline-io/db-experiments-2
e1420cc Merge pull request #8 from interline-io/readme-additions
31b176c Minor fixes
5b6d00a Mock & TestUtil improvements
bcb9a4e Mock reader/writer
e18c6d1 More FareRule/FareAttribute filtering
6227924 More Optional types and use Scan/Value in csv
643e02e More SetterFilter
7272c88 More WIP
c356dd2 More carefully handle unmarked stops or errord stops
2664e71 More fares
5079880 More optional fields
7caf5d6 More optional fixes
88e6a4a More removed tags
9bfcb54 More tests
52b96ee More testutil improvements
5b3bc4f Move DMFR command to dmfr module, add tests, misc fixes (#14)
7ea98bb Move EntityFilter processing to before error/warning checking
d315348 Move Fetch from tl
cf594f6 Move Sync from tl
f2b53ab Move feed to new file
e27304b Move some Markers to Extract
e9f68b8 Move some details to extract/graph
ecf06e3 Move timestamps to new struct
565202b Moving to mocks
b36f9d7 Provide an option to load feed version files from a base url, e.g. s3 (#20)
8f9ac2a Readme Additions (#19)
bdb5adc Readme WIP
a892baa Refactoring of db adapters to use sqlx/squirrel
e9e0c76 Reflection helpers
52b317a Remove
22f4b3b Remove
43768c8 Remove
0c426e3 Remove
6070c67 Remove
401caf2 Remove
c56b943 Remove
6c255e1 Remove "Encoding" - can now use proper GeomFromWKB
d7403ca Remove VisitAndMark from interface
70d4364 Remove db tags
de6bec4 Remove debugging
2d00df3 Remove debugging tool
6b44649 Remove unneeded gorm tags
dc02471 Rename
20bddff Rename
19c962e Rename
95580c7 Rename & tidy
b38ce0a Rename files
62c7184 Rename files
78de5af Rename function
3a2d7da Rename method
600e59c Rename...
0bf1102 SHA1() for zip files
4769f66 SQL logging
e2df287 SQL logging
455390f Schemas
0445e7e Second attempt at ZipWriterAdapter
304be77 SetString, GetString generics
54b9c80 SetterFilter
216fe4b SetterFilter.AddValue
aa3721c Simplify Shapes
b0e1f7a Start of SetterFilter
89b5377 Start using OptionalRelationships
e5062c0 TODO: Make a flag
5541092 Testing framework improvements
58b6010 Tidying up
4d41377 Todos
0cb7cbf Trim
d984ef9 Typos
a025424 Unwind the mock/testutil circular imports
0913f65 Update bayarea.dmfr.json
d86389c Updated schema from TL
01f3346 Updates, Tx methods
2afc54a Use Shapes()
b4b2014 Use cgo build flag for enabling sqlite3 driver (#18)
a3054fd Use mocks
d976dd6 Use plain sqlite3 instead of spatialite (#27)
e6a7865 UseBasicRouteTypes
1618fea WIP
0c6b987 WIP
4543417 WIP
77442fa WIP
79dcb0c WIP
9a33763 WIP
0a1f69e WIP
77590ac WIP porting from Gorm
a87e81b WIP...
e03ba3a again
8fc9232 canUpdateTimestamps
61e6035 check before creating
6ad5143 circleci sudo
33ceb8a circleci workflows
de5835e circleci workflows, again
c0b29e7 circleci: run test on all tags
4d3fb12 circleci: try snapcraft
4e24cb9 comment
78b4aa9 download goreleaser_amd64.deb
aa7bd6a extract --set
061f85d goreleaser adjustments
ca4ae0e if user types only gotransit validate, provide error message (#26)
93d124e just build linux, w/ dependencies on circle
c8c3a3b no CGO_ENABLED
373fc8a note
48ac46e querylogger
d022ac0 readme improvements (#25)
1b23be7 readme: more additions
e05b132 readme: starting to outline
35f83cc remove deb
7f25d3f separate lines
a1c8317 set up goreleaser on circleci
6a8d7da starting to set up GoReleaser
62ba123 temporarily disable homebrew formula release
bb90002 test coverage report
458426f todo
9a7437d try again
c6a83b9 wait to do docker