transitland-lib utilities
-h, --help help for transitland
- transitland completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
- transitland copy - Copy performs a basic copy from a reader to a writer.
- transitland delete - Delete feed versions
- transitland diff - Calculate difference between two feeds, writing output in a GTFS-like format
- transitland dmfr-format - Format a DMFR file
- transitland dmfr-lint - Lint DMFR files
- transitland extract - Extract a subset of a GTFS feed
- transitland fetch - Fetch GTFS data and create feed versions
- transitland import - Import feed versions
- transitland merge - Merge multiple GTFS feeds
- transitland rebuild-stats - Rebuild statistics for feeds or specific feed versions
- transitland rt-convert - Convert GTFS-RealTime to JSON
- transitland sync - Sync DMFR files to database
- transitland unimport - Unimport feed versions
- transitland validate - Validate a GTFS feed
- transitland version - Program version and supported GTFS and GTFS-RT versions