Implementations of the same basic, canonical microservice using different programming languages and different frameworks:
Exposes a simple REST API over HTTPS requiring authentication
The exposed REST API is defined by an API specification, ideally using OpenAPIv3
Persists entities in an external database, using MongoDB, but staying DB-independent as much as possible
Invokes a publicly accessibe REST API that requires authentication
All external calls (REST API invocations, DB access) use client-side resilience approaches: timeout, retry, fallback
Publishes entity change events to a topic, using Kafka, but staying broker-independent as much as possible
Subscribes to events from a topic, using the same broker as it uses for publishing events
The event exchanges are described by an AsyncAPIv2 definition
Loosely follows Hexagonal Architecture and thereby confines framework and technology dependence (Kafka, MongoDB, …) to "adapters"
Configuration via properties, using encryption for sensitive property values
Packaged into an as-small-as-possible Docker container
Write REST API spec
Write AsyncAPI spec
Create project with latest versions of all dependencies
Add unit testing support
Add property configuration support
Implement technology-independent "domain" incl. "ports":
domain services
application service
received event handlers
"driven ports" (interfaces) for
invoked REST API
sending events
Implement technology-dependent "adapters":
"driving adapters" for
exposed REST API
Kafka event subscription
"driven adapters" for
MongoDB repository
REST API invocations
Kafka event publication
Write Dockerfile