Hello world on GKE with HTTPS ingress by kube-lego.
are configured for GKE- Valid email address
- Wildcard domain (e.g.
Fix an email address and domain name in YAMLs.
sed -i -e 's/EMAIL_ADDRESS/you@example.com/g' lego/configmap.yaml
sed -i -e 's/DOMAIN_NAME/sandbox.example.com/g' hello/ingress.yaml
Create a cluster.
kubectl version
Associate your wildcard domain and the reserved IP address.
Deploy pods and ingress.
kubectl apply -f lego
kubectl apply -f hello
See log of kube-lego.
kubectl logs -f --tail=100 --namespace kube-lego "$(kubectl get pod --namespace kube-lego -l app=kube-lego -o name)"
Open following URLs.