Installs and configures a CloudFoundry Router
- Ubuntu
Tested on:
- Ubuntu 10.04
Requires Opscode's bluepill cookbook for creating init scripts and trotter's cloudfoundry-common cookbook. Also requires Opscode's nginx cookbook for installing and configuring the nginx server that fronts the router.
This recipe will install a CloudFoundry Router on the target node along with the necessary configuration files and init scripts to run it. In addition, it will install and configure an nginx server that sits in front of the Router. To use in your recipes:
include_recipe "cloudfoundry-router"
Additionaly the ssl recipe can be included. It expects a addresses databag with the following structure: { "id": "10_0_0_1", "cert": "" } with the id being the ipadress on which you want to listen for https and cert being the base name of the certificate file (so withouth the extesion). The cookbook expects the certificates to be already on the machine for example by using the ssl cookbook.
- Unix socket for the connection between the router and nginx. Default is/tmp/router.sock"
- Where to write the Router's access log. Default isFile.join(node['cloudfoundry_common']['log_dir'], "vcap.access.log")
- Log level for the router. Default isinfo"
- Where to write the Router's logs. XXX (trotter): I'm not certain this attribute actually works. Default isFile.join(node['cloudfoundry_common']['log_dir'], "router.log")
- Where to write the Router's pid. Default isFile.join(node['cloudfoundry_common']['pid_dir'], "")
Author:: Trotter Cashion ( Author:: Ruben Koster
Copyright:: 2012 Trotter Cashion
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.