Integrations helps you integrate Schema Generator into your aplication.
They provide standardized way to use.
Every integration implements Inlm\SchemaGenerator\IIntegration
You can call these methods:
$integration->createMigration($description, $testMode)
- it creates new migration for production$integration->showDiff()
- it shows changes between development and production$integration->updateDevelopmentDatabase($testMode)
- it updates local development database$integration->initFromDatabase()
- it inits schema file & creates first SQL migrations from current database
For Lean Mapper you can use LeanMapperIntegration
It requires package inlm/schema-generator-leanmmaper
$integration = new Inlm\SchemaGenerator\LeanMapperBridge\LeanMapperIntegration(
$schemaFile = __DIR__ . '/schema.neon',
$migrationsDirectory = __DIR__ . '/migrations',
$entityDirectories = __DIR__ . '/model/entities',
$options = NULL,
$customTypes = NULL,
$ignoredTables = array('migrations'),
$databaseType = NULL, // Database::* constant or NULL => autodetected from LeanMapper\Connection
$connection = new LeanMapper\Connection(...),
$mapper = new LeanMapper\DefaultMapper