Ingics BeaconLair is an IoT service architecture sample with Ingics BLE Gateway devices (iGS03) and BLE Sensor devices (iBS01/3/5 series). It can be used for testing, demonstration, and as a reference for your IoT application design.
The BeaconLair was designed to run services on Docker containers and managed by Docker Compose.
- Docker: >18.06.0+
- Docker Compose (
Of course, at least one iGS03 gateway device and iBS0X sensor beacon are required.
To run BeaconLair is just a single command.
docker-compose up -d --build
Check if all service start up.
There should be 5 containers: broker, grafana, influxdb, parser and rchost.
$ sudo docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
beaconlair_broker_1 / /usr ... Up>1883/tcp,:::1883->1883/tcp
beaconlair_grafana_1 / Up>3000/tcp,:::3000->3000/tcp
beaconlair_influxdb_1 / influxd Up>8086/tcp,:::8086->8086/tcp
beaconlair_parser_1 /bin/sh -c ./parser Up>9000/tcp,:::9123->9000/tcp
beaconlair_rchost_1 /bin/sh -c ./rchost Up>5000/tcp,:::5000->5000/tcp, 5001/tcp
Then, configure the iGS03 connected to the network, and set up the remote control host & port to the BeaconLair host.
The Host IP is how the iGS03 device connects to the BeaconLair Docker host. And the BeaconLair system will use it to configure the MQTT publish host, too.
To visit the BeaconLair HOME dashboard, open the URL "http://<Host IP>:3000/grafana/" in the browser.
Click on "Gateway Remote Control" link. You should see the iGS03 device.
Click on "Auto SetUp" button of the gateway, the remote control service will configure the gateway's data publish to the BeaconLair system. Go back to the HOME dashboard, and click on the link "Beacon List". If your iBS0X beacons are already powered on, you should see them listed on the dashboard with the latest sensor readings.
Click on the sensor's reading area to the dashboard of the sensor reading chart.
BeaconLair use Eclipe Mosquitto as our MQTT broker service.
BeaconLair use InfluxDB as backend database for storing the sensor readings and raw messages.
The iBS0X sensor beacons broadcast the sensor readings in BLE advertising packets, and the iGS03 BLE gateway receives and transmits the raw data to the MQTT broker.
So we need a "Parser" service that subscribes to those raw data from the MQTT broker, parses them, and inserts the result into our backend database for further usage (display, alert system, analytic, ... ).
Beacon payload formats:
In BeaconLair, this service was developed in Golang. We also provides parser libraries in some languages for customer to implement their-own service.
Parser libraries:
The iGS03 BLE gateway provides remote control capability. And the BeaconLair provides a simple remote control example (rchost) for:
- list or query device information
- auto-configuration for BeaconLair usage (data publish)
- device OTA upgrade
- RSSI filter modification
All telnet commands can be used in remote control connections.
The BeaconLair uses Grafana as frontend WebUI to provide dashboards for beacons, sensor readings, and gateway control.
There are four TCP port configurations placed in the .env file. You can modify them if there is a port conflict issue on your docker host.
# MQTT port
# Gateway Remote Control port
# InfluxDB HTTP port (Backend Database)
# Grafana port (BeaconLair Dashboards)
After changing the port settings, restarting the containers is required.
docker-compose restart
- check rchost container status
docker-compose ps rchost
- check CTRL log on iGS03 telnet console
You should see the "[CTRL/??/??]" entry, which means it connects to the remote control service successfully. If you did not see it, there may be a network issue. Please double-check the network settings.
> SYS SYSLOG [20220215 08:54:34] [MQTT_CLI/295/9] 0: Connected to <Host IP>:1883 [20220215 08:54:34] [CTRL/345/9] 0: Connected: <Host IP>:5000 [20220215 02:37:55] [NTP/394/2] 0: NTP time synced: 1644892675 [19700101 00:00:02] [WIFI/949/1] 0: Joined WIFI-SSID/ch4
- check if any error in rchost logs
docker-compose logs rchost
- check parser container status
docker-compose ps parser
- check logs of parser
If the parser service received the message from the broker (publish by iGS03), you should see logs like above.
docker-compose logs -f parser parser_1 | 2022/02/15 08:08:01 [19]: readings,tag=iBS03T\ -\ 806FB087E146,stype=temperature value=21.00 1644912481243397983 parser_1 | 2022/02/15 08:08:01 [19]: readings,tag=iBS03T\ -\ 806FB087E146,stype=humidity value=62 1644912481243397983